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Oxy-Contin *DELETED*

Im going home Donny

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um...what is it?

OxyContin is a powerful (synthetic) prescription pain reliever. Its big advantage is that it contains enough medicine and time-release stuff to relieve pain for around 12 hours (unlike a Percodan pill, which only has enough medicine for four hours; if you're using Percodan, and need to sleep, you have to keep getting up to take more pills). If, however, you crush it up and snort it, or dissolve it and inject it, you get all the pain relief at once, which makes it a big candidate for abuse.

It's known as "hillbilly heroin", because it became popular in places like Kentucky, where people would break into pharmacies, steal the pills, and start selling/using them.

It's as addictive and expensive (and deadly) as heroin.



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I've partied on everything at least once and have seen many a person get themselves in trouble with addiction. But you don't bash the liquor store because someone has whiskey addiction. When someone has a problem all you can do is offer support, the rest is up to them. Making threats and passing judgement seems a little harsh, though I admit i don't know the situation. I guess what really made me comment on this thread is where to you draw the line on what is a 'good' drug and'bad' drug. Someone might say that marijauna is the evil weed and anyone who smokes it, grows it or sells it is evil and should re-evaluate what the they are doing, some might say that for booze, or coke or E or in this case oxycontin. I always say that it is up to the individual to decide what is right for them and if things go wrong the only person to blame is themselves. I wouldn't want some anger wife upset at me because i gave her husband a healthy chin ride on my accommodater ::

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I saw a CBC documentary about a young girl who got hooked on OCs out in Newfoundland. Apparently, it's become a growing concern in East Coast communities in particular. They showed the whole before and after scenario and man did she ever fall from grace - she was a twitching, nervous shell of the beautiful young woman she started as.

We really have to watch out for each other out there!

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unfortunately, its popularity is increasing too. it's become the fancy new drug of choice for celebrities, which probably has a lot to do with how much mention of it you can find on tv & in magazines these days. see courtney love stumbling into things and winona ryder spaced out & shoplifting for its glamourous effects. yuck. thank you, but no.

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MarcO's Theorem Of Partying, Brah:

i. if it should grow from sweet Mother Earth, it is worth considering ingesting, providing you've educated yourself at least a little, and have some experience to draw from.

ii. if it was synthesized in a high-rise apartment building outside of Mississauga, or pilfered from a Pharmacy cabinet, or bought from someone who may need said drugs to live, think twice.

iii. if it is a capsule that will form a little hairy dinosaur inside of you, say "no thank you, Paisley" and walk away.

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Not to turn this into a whole deal but the whole idea that natural substances are benign is more than a bit of a misnomer. I for one almost trust rigorously tested FDA approved pharmies over random fungi. I think the main challenge in most cases is the contraindications with other medications or alcohol and the unique metabolism of the ingester.

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I saw a CBC documentary about a young girl who got hooked on OCs out in Newfoundland. Apparently, it's become a growing concern in East Coast communities in particular. They showed the whole before and after scenario and man did she ever fall from grace - she was a twitching, nervous shell of the beautiful young woman she started as.

We really have to watch out for each other out there!

I seen a similair CBC special,but it was centered around St.Stephen NB though,which has been the capital city for oxy use in teens and twenty some odd year olds in Canada,the US law enforcement had alot issues since the majority (per capital) of people hailed from there that were perscribed oxy's and end up smugglin over the border where they are getting anywhere from 25-50 dollars US for one pill.Its a nasty scene that been around for about 10 or so years,at least to my knowledge.

I know a couple folks that are really messed on them that work in my union and that I have had the unfortunate expirence to work with,I'm an electrician that works with high voltage (10,000 - 500,000 KV) and I have seen the sh!thead faze in & out of it while we were working,very dangerous.

I've tried my share of the things and can honestly say,that I get really buzzed on em,but later just end up puking my guts out or just feeling like sh!t and not doing anything but laying down with nausea.Needless to say,I'm no angel when it comes to drugs,but I have no interest in those things anymore.

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I've tried my share of the things and can honestly say,that I get really buzzed on em,but later just end up puking my guts out or just feeling like sh!t and not doing anything but laying down with nausea.Needless to say,I'm no angel when it comes to drugs,but I have no interest in those things anymore.

That's what happened to me when I took a painkiller when I was in no pain...I only needed to do that once. I don't like the feeling at all. Painkillers are for killing pain and that is it. But it wasn't oxycowhatever...it was percaset or something similar. Nauseating.

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That's what happened to me when I took a painkiller when I was in no pain...I only needed to do that once. I don't like the feeling at all. Painkillers are for killing pain and that is it. But it wasn't oxycowhatever...it was percaset or something similar. Nauseating.

I was perscribed them after the resection they did on my spine,after they removed (or broke in two) 6 vertaraes from my spine to remove the tumors (spinal ependymoma) attached to my central nervous system and then rebuilt the vertaraes to put back in,but those things (oxys) just made me ill,I then was given morphine,which I tended to enjoy abit much so they took me off it.The oxy's they gave me were for the pain,but certianly made me feel alot worse.

In the end,good ol' marijauna eased the pain added with some toradol (non-narcotic) in me.

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