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What kind of Vegetarian are you?


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ovo-lacto vegetarian for me, with occasional seafood.

I once did a film on factory farming in New Mexico and I was very surprised how much energy is spent on farming animals. In a lot of cases animals (Cows and Lamb espescialy) are bought and sold at weekly or monthly auctions, they are being transported all the time back and forth before they are finally sent to the fattening yard and then to slaughter. In the US and Canada the industry is heavily subsidized, otherwise we wouldn't really see $1.99 hambugers.

anyone interested in this subject should check out the film

"A Cow at my Table" web page

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generally though a vegetarian diet (a proper one, not just meatless, but actually eating vegetables) is better. it's WAY better on the environment. many foods have higher protein and iron content than red meat anyway.

Uhhh, not a whole lot of vegetable ones. As far as iron is concerned, absorption depends on the chemical form that the iron is in, and on other things that might be present in in your food. Vitamin C, for instance--good for the uptake of non-heme iron, but not so good for copper uptake. Coffee and soy proteins can also interfere with iron uptake.

I've heard that tea can interfere as well, but the interference can be reduced by adding milk to the tea. I like milk in my tea, so it's all good.

Iron supplements are ... harsh. Rough on the stomach, and you'd better enjoy crapping buckshot.

As a borderline anemic, I'm okay with a mostly vegetarian diet, but when I crave (mostly) raw cow flesh, there is a physiological reason for it (and it seems to be an inherited trait for me--my birth mother is the same way). The fact that I like (mostly) raw cow flesh is merely serendipity. Heck, I like raw fish, too.

Once in a while, bring on a bleu T-bone with a side order of chickpea casserole, and I'm a happy camper.

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I stopped eating red meat for 3 years but ended up going back to eating anything. I can't even think when I smell bacon and I need Arby's like Trey needs methodone. Ms. Wook #18 keeps dragging me to this vegan restaurant in Guelph called Cafe Aquarius, "Home Of The Cheese-less Burrito". The food is actually pretty good there but it always feels like somethings missing, I like cheese and could never give it up. I do plan to cut out red meat very soon though.

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figured you'd be lookin to go freegan, New Rider... out back of Arby's at 11:30 with tuperware and a knapsack in your fancy new shorts

"Oh no officer, no garbage picking here. Just saving the environment." ::

I actually watched a whole show on freegans in Europe a little while back. Law clerks and teachers out picking through the leftovers at the city market every day at 5 o'clock in the name of waste not, want not.

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