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scary movies


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so.. with hallowe'en fast approaching, I ask you.. what's the scariest movie you have ever seen?

my top three would be:

1) The Shining

2) The Exorcist

3) The Blair Witch Project (yes.. I said it.. the Blair Witch Project was a very scary movie.. and I also feel it was a brilliant film, maybe not a movie for everyone, but I thought it was amazing)

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The Shining

Necrophobic (never saw it, nor would I, but the preview freaked me way the fu©k out!)

Phantasm II

Creepshow (especially the story where Stephen King who plays the farmboy; when he realizes he's become nothing but a plant and then shoots his head off; that disturbed me when I was young)

in terms of suspense:

Leviathan (Peter Weller) and Seven had me shaking at the end

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I love my scary movies.

Here's a few to consider:

Devil's Backbone ( Spanish movie by director Guillermo Del Toro )


Ringu and/or The Ring


my favourite horror-comedy trilogy:

The Evil Dead

The Evil Dead II

The Army Of Darkness


try Bubba Ho-Tep if you like Elvis and comedy-horror and Bruce Campbell.

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I'm pretty sure that for me the Exorcist is the scariest movie I've seen. I'm not into slasher flicks, but I love a good ghost/demon possession movie.

Into the Mouth of Madness was great, I love the world of HP Lovecraft, and this is the only instance I've seen where it's translated well to a movie.

Creepshow creeped the fu©k out of me when I was a kid. I was afraid of the cubby hole under our stairs for years after seeing that one.

Poltergiest isn't too bad. As a kid I was really impressed that I made it through what I thought was the worst of it. Then all hell breaks loose at the end.

The evil dead triliogy was great, but only the first one was a little scarey after that they went for the comedy. Hey, that's a little Lovecrafty too.

Ginger Snaps (the first one) definitely went a long way in proving that not all horror movies have to be cheesey.

Hmmm, that's all I can think of right now.

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try Bubba Ho-Tep if you like Elvis and comedy-horror and Bruce Campbell.

Bubba Ho-Tep kicked ass man.. gotta love The Bruce (Campbell that is)

and The Ring was great too.. super spooky, though I was a bit disappointed, I was hoping to be really messed up after that movie but when it ended and the credits rolled I was like "meh.. whatever"

at least at the end of Blair Witch I was like "whoah.. that was unreal scary.. imagine if you were camping.. and then you heard this kids giggling outside your tent.. I'd go mental with fear"

yep.. I know most people hated it.. but Blair Witch really stuck with me.. awesome movie!

a little FYI for the Ottawa peeps.. the best place to get horror movies in Ottawa is Invisible Cinema on Lisgar just east of Bank. They even have a Zombie section, with the movies broken down by director.. how cool is that?

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yeah.. a lot of people said that.. I'm lucky, I only get motion sick if I spin around over and over again.. so that part of the film didn't bother me.. and I think that it would have looked lame if they used a steady cam.. but that's the gamble you gotta make for art eh.. make it believable, or make people sick :)

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What is the Creepshow about? Would it still be considerd "good" by todays standards or is it better in memory?

"Five tales of terror are presented in the gothic style of the old EC comics such as Tales From The Crypt and The Haunt of Fear. The first deals with a demented old man returning from the grave to get the Father's Day cake his murdering daughter never gave him. The second is about a not-too-bright farmer discovering a meteor that turns everything into plant-life. The third is about a vengeful husband burying his wife and her lover up to their necks on the beach. The fourth is about a creature that resides in a crate under the steps of a college. The final story is about an ultra-rich businessman who gets his comeuppance from cockroaches."

Does it still stand up today? Not sure, I won't watch it again :P

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That was a good movie. I think that was the one that had the little troll-like dude who came out of the wall while people were sleeping right? That's freaky...

yup, and the little girl in that sketch is none other than drew barrymore!


i love horror movies. some of my all time favourites are sleepaway camp II (the last shot of volume I is enough to deem the whole movie totally freaky & weird scary, and volume III is just dumb), of course, the exorcist, and this so-bad-it's-good-and-gone-all-the-way-back-to-bad-again canadian horror flick called truth or dare. one of my girlfriends & i discovered this movie when we were about 10 or so and loved it so much we're still quoting lines from it to this very day. ahhhh, so very, very much a solid gold classic!


but here's my list of movies that i can remember genuinely freaking me out & scaring the begeebus outta me the first time i saw them (please note, some of these first times date all the way back to about 5 years old :: ):


-pet semetary

-the exorcist

-the original version of the ring (the japanese one)

-the nightmare on elm street movies used to freak me out when i was a kid... that whole child molester coming back to kill you in your dreams concept *shudder*

-blair witch for sure

-as i said the last shot of sleepaway camp I is enough to make the whole movie totally scary

-jeepers creepers (although this may have had something to do with the fact i was by myself & it was the middle of the night when i saw it)

does anybody remember the flick "really weird tales"? like cat's eye, it was a bunch of little sketches in one movie. i just remember the one was about this girl who couldn't love anybody, because as soon as she loved somebody they would explode and turn into a cauliflower head doll. very weird indeed...

arrr, here she be!


*edit* gad! how could i forget this classic! (the uncut version is a must):


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