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Jon Stewart on crossfire today- oh. my. gawd.


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Holy sh!t, what a couple of crazies! I don't think that anything got accomplished on that segment and Stewart was thoroughly unimpressed and frustrated. If that's any indication of how that show works, no wonder Stewart wanted to come and say the things he did.


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I don't think so, not on cnn anyways. I'm sure they'd prefer if the whole incident was quickly forgotten. Hopefully this clip gets around the web enough and gets some exposure. It's sad that someone as well known as Jon Stewart can trash mainstream media on cnn and the whole thing goes relatively undetected.

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I have always loved watching the Daily Show, but that clip really increased the amount of respect I have for Jon Stewart. It's very rare that anyone in TV Land can speak their mind truthfully. Usually it's a case of the guest kissing the ass of the hosts show "Thanks for having me on your show. I love the program and think you're the absolute greatest."

Might Jon Stewart actually be the one that saves America?

Thanks for posting that. Incredible.

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I saw that last night, too - but I like Republicans like him. I understand them (even if I don't agree with them). At least his support of Bush is over something truly valid, rather than because he's a religious right-wing fanatic, like so many other Republicans.

Why aren't there more intelligent Republicans?

Or, a better question perhaps would be, why doesn't the media put more intelligent Republicans on the air?

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