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I'm still vertical anyway....

I'm playing hooky from work and instead I'm working on a show from last year thats currently uncirculated right now that I know folks are going to be very happy to get,especially those from Hamilton.

Hope alls well my friend.

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not much gossip except the things you hear going around about that nasty shainhouse ;)

The Who's Tommy at pjc was incredible on the weekend just past, definately not anything like seeing a cover band, I was totally blown away... totally

The Beastie Boys and Little Feat are both playing Toronto tonight... another one of those weekends coming up where you wish you had clones of yourself... fri night: raisinhill w/ contact at pjc and Fantasy (feat. members of Hiway Freeker) in Toronto... saturday night, diesel dog/harvard mouse at an old schoolhouse out in the country near chatham rose garland and caution jam playin an awful lot of dead tunes at pjc

good good personally, the 3 year plus soul recovery has ended and I'm ready to start earning an income again... watch yourself bill gates


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Hey Shain,

I too do not have any gossip about what's happening in the Hammer. I hope all is well across the Atlantic.

As for what's going on it's a busy week. I'll be going to the Beastie Boys 11/8, moe. 11/9, R.E.M. 11/10 and maybe Bob Dylan 11/13.

Later I'll be seeing The Musical Box 11/20, Gordon Lightfoot 11/28, Benevento/Russo Duo 12/3-4, MMW 12/4, Wilco/The Flaming Lips 12/31 and Benevento/Russo Duo with Mike Gordon 12/31.

It's going to be a fun couple of months. What other shows are you going to be seeing?

Take it easy, Tim

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What? No Pixies Tim?

That's the only big show that I'm going to. I could go to moe. tomorrow, but I remain indifferent to them - and I've seen them twice.

I am up in the air about the Pixies, I still might go.

As for moe. what two moe. shows have you seen? I'm curious as one was as the opener for Phil Lesh & Friends in 2002 it was not a great gig to represent moe.

Here's a post from www.moerons.com where a person had a thread called "Best Tour Ever-they are on Fire!"

"This has been the best tour in the history of Moe. I've been catching shows since '97, and it's always been incredible. I've never had a "bad" Moe. show. I've done every show from this tour that's on archive, and caught the D.C show(which rocked-one of my favorite of all time), I can't believe how well they are playing. The new songs are insane, they really are running on all cylinders. The best part is that it is only going to keep getting better. We are all so blessed to be around for this stage in their development."

Also maybe my interview with Chuck Garvey will convince you to come see moe. at the Opera House.

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I'm getting a grilling from Booche right now. He thinks moe. is right up my alley, since I'm a huge ABB fan. They should be, but they haven't hit me yet. I have Wormwood, but I never play it. Perhaps I need a little more schooling on moe. albums and songs.

I did catch them opening for Phil in 2002, but I liked that brief gig. I saw them at the Phoenix last year, but I found that they were into trance way to much for my liking, especially in the second set. I hate trance rock and I got bored rather quickly.

No worries because I'm not giving up on them - like I have with Galactic and Grand Theft Bus. Maybe, as I said above, I just need a little more schooling on everything moe..

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hey shain! hope uk is fun. i personally am great. :D very excited about b-boys tonight, and i sure wish i had pixies in the works, but alas. that's about it for the big shows for me right now.

fri night: diesel dog/harvard mouse at an old schoolhouse out in the country near chatham,

pssst! paisley! the schoolhouse rock party is on saturday the 13th, not friday. ::

it's gonna be AWESOME, so come one, come all!

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Shain how are you man? You left Hamilton, I moved here, we can't get it together. Where are you and what are you doing these days?

paisley I really wanted to get to that Tommy thing but we were having a shindig at my house...I would have gone if it had been a late show, like 11:30 or 12, but I couldn't get any timing info except for one guy who told me that it was starting early, and I didn't want to arrive there hearing "I'm Free" or something late in the record.

As for moe., Jaimoe perhaps I can be of assistance in your decision. I have seen moe. four times and tomorrow will be the fifth. I was at the Phil Lesh show but missed moe.'s set due to working, so that would have made it 6, but from what I hear it wasn't a great set anyway.

Looking through my stubs, I know some are lost, but I have a stub for moe. at the Opera House, Thurs Apr 26, 2001. I think that was my second show, the first was the previous October? Either that, or it was the first, and the second was Oct 2001. I don't know if they have a tour archive or what, but that seems to ring a bell. These two shows, and my third at the Guverment, were AWESOME. They were truly blowing my mind. I'm a huge ABB fan too and moe. is definately up my alley. moe. jams much more seriously and intensely than ABB, but there's a lot of southern rock about them.

As for the Phoenix show, it wasn't my favourite. I brought two newbies who were totally turned off of moe., and they won't be joining me tomorrow night. I'm telling you though, on the strength of my first three shows, they are still worth it. Now I'll feel bad for convincing you if we end up with a repeat of the Phoenix (what ruined it for me was an intensely heady 40-minute jam to end the first set), but given the tour report above, I have faith. I don't know what your money situation is, but if forking over 22 bucks won't break you, I'd say go to the show.

p.s. I should mention that my first moe. show was my first date with my girlfriend, and we're still together...coincidence? Probably. ::

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I moved across the pond... In Leeds, UK right now.

You guys have some KILLER shows lined up. Things are a little quieter here, as school is giving me a bit of a pounding. I am going to NEW YORK tomorrow for eight days to take care of some family stuff and Percy Hill and the Derek Trucks Band seem to be calling me, so who knows. Once I get back to the UK on the 17th, I got Ben Folds (18), Gomez (25), iLiKETRAiNS (26), Barenaked Ladies (27), the Bad Plus (1st), 2 nights of Particle in Manchester and Glasgow (2nd and 3rd) and A Silver Mount Zion (10th). There are loads of interesting local bands I have been seeing. Saw a traditional Mozambique band last night called MABULU. 2 guitars, one electric and one acoustic with two vocalists/percussion. Very stripped down, raw and enjoyable. free too.

Definitly miss the scene and am beginning to definitly miss nero, knowing I won't see them again for quite some time. Glad to hear all ya'll are doing well and I'm thinking teaching as many people over here to GIV'R as possible.


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Hi Shain! I'm going to call you soon, I promise! (I'm just waiting till no one's around at work, so I can have the firm cover the tab)

Sounds like you're keeping up the good times... are you starting to call line-ups the queue and loading gear into the boot?

We'll miss you at Moe tomorrow night. Cheers!

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