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South Kootenay bound!


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So I've been hired to work in a cafe at Red Mountain in Rossland, BC this Winter! Has anyone here ever been to Rossland or have any insight on the place? I've never been but from what I gather it is an out of the way, low key ski town that has so far managed to stay clear of the tourist radar, and has an epic mountain to ride. It seems to be right in the middle of nowhere -- 8 hours from Calgary and 8 hours from Vancouver. An hour from Nelson. Weezy, does Themasses play Rossland at all? Maybe I could help get something going this Winter. For some reason I doubt they get much live music coming through there, though I see Wassabi is playing in town for their film festival.

Visitors will be welcome any time!

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Flying into Castlegar.

you mean Cancelgar?

good luck with that ! hehehe

seriously though KevO, you're gonna love it!

hopefully i can take a trip out there this winter

and don't be surprised to find bands coming through, it can be a happenin' town in winter

and Nelson isn't far away ::

have fun man

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yo KevO - cool sh!t!

Themasses have indeed played in Rossland once - at the Uplander Hotel - we will be back in the area sometime in February. The Kootenays are amazing - if you're in to winter sports, you won't want to leave. One thing I did notice, however, was the abundance of strict rules posted everywhere - mostly in the Hotel - but I noticed for instance, that no dogs are allowed on the sidewalks or streets downtown.. I guess with all the pot grower types in the area, each with many dogs, none with leashes - there could be some potential for problems, but c'mon...

We renamed it 'Rulesland'.

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Getting excited over here! Weezy thats awesome you guys will be back. Drop me a line and I'll be glad to help out with postering and whatnot... Unless they're gonna slap me with a ticket for vandalism! I was in Nelson for a few days last Winter and had an awesome time - I'd actually move there instead but this job at Red is for sure and Rossland sounds purty damn good to me. Bones, you've always got a place at casa kevo. That goes for everyone actually!

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(thanks tigger!)

I'm flying in there on Air Canada Jazz or Tango (one of those), so maybe hopefully this airline coming into Castlegar is a new and more dependable development...? I noticed on my itinerary that the flight from Calgary to Castlegar was 12:03 - 12:16 and at first I was like "holy shyte, 13 minute flight!" ... then I finally realized the time change, hehe.

Hey c-towns & SolarGarlic --- youz guys coming this way at all this winter?

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