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You crazy Chatham kids...


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All kidding aside... for now anyway...

Fantastic job Backbacon and others who ran this... what a frig'n wicked time... I felt like I was in the recroom of your home....

What a beatiful feeling that was there last night... I can't remember the last time I danced thet much non-stop... and man I love hugging people.

Diesel Dog and Harvard Mouse rocked... I can't believe that Diesel Dog kept going until after 4am... and then there was Choix with the AWESOME music picks that kept me shak'n for the next few hours. (Who was that bloke again that really funked out?)

I get such an energy rush from you all... I cannot wait until next one...



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that was TWO barrels of monkeys! thanks for putting on that party and to everyone who came, and to everyone who enjoyed the chili! woo hoo, i have to admit that it is now three thirty in the afternoon and i have just finished breakfast, we didn't get home till after seven am, poor old whussy pants ricky needed to sleep at home. :P

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Yeah late night with Karl D ,direct from the mad d.j...thanks to all in attendence that was a blast ,like Kevin said a ton'o hugs all round.Every one seemed to be just smiling and grooving ...so happy I made it down

Thanks to Harvard Mouse for playing so well and D.D. for playing the but shaking late night set...still smiling

Thanx Kerri for putting this together and anyone else who hellped out also (Becky)needs a personal mention ...Great chili... ::

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First you make me stay up all night...

You make me dance to dawn, and beyond...

Then you make me drink a whole lot of wine...

And you make me laugh and hug all night.

Then my car gets attacked by zombies in the morning...

You crazy kids.


to steal a phrase from Tonin, I have to give backbacon the Top Shelf Award for the shenanigans in Chatham Sat night... also a rare presentation of The Off The Shelf Award

the schoolhouse was awesome - perfect cozy and comfortable vibe, a bubble from the world... entertainment unforgettable, Harvard Mouse warming the room smartly, getting the feet tappin and the bodies movin, then Diesel Dog stepping right the fuk up and unleashing a truly monsterous set of high octane funked up jam (no kidding, holy wow), then the crazy clanky wild mix of tunes at the end of the night ushering night into day...

so good to see all the fine chatham kids (and studog) and all those who journeyed from elsewhere, awesome warm, happy, crazy, quirky folks - everybody dancin in the heart of gold land... certainly also a treat to party with our great american friends "Hey! What are you doing in the field?!"

sunrise outside the schoolhouse is still making me laugh maniacally

lots of love

props to Keri and all involved (and all your lovely brains)

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Special thanks to Summer and the rest of the boys for lettin me sit in on Chico too!!!!!!!!!!

That tune was deadicated to the two lovely ladies that have since left us only to land in Chico, CA. you know who you are 8)

Ker, that was one kickassnevergonnaforgetthatnightnight. thanks for all the hard work....total success. oh ya, how was zombie school? you were all headed down to the detention room when i left. hilarious you and crazycory....and James wandering into the field and Chandler trying to get his attention made me laugh harder than i have in a very very long time.

Great to see all the out-of-towners there too, you all rock!

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I'm still smiling and glowing from the show ... what an awesome night!

Special thanks to backbacon & co. for hosting such a fantastic party, to Diesel Dog for laying down the thick, fat songs & jams, and to the guys in Harvard Mouse for being a part of this wonderful experience.

I left at 6 a.m. and people were still dancing and grooving to the beats being played by DJ Schwa. We had the best drive home imaginable, a glorious sunrise capped off what will go down as one of the best nights I've ever had.

I'm very much looking forward to the next time ...



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... I forgot to mention all the hotties! Wow, everytime I turned around on the dance floor I was surrounded by beautiful happy women! And thanks for all the offers of free oral sex. (OK, I made that last part up). Seriously though... WOW!

Is was cool meeting more of the Cavern people like Stu Dog, Meggo, that cool American crew, and the others which I am sure have been bleached out of my memory strands with that toxic red wine solution of velvety goodness.

That night was fantastic for the soul... it's Monday morning, and I just sat down at work in my office... can feel the soul starting to shrivel already...

Saturday night should keep me soul-charged for a week or two, but then I need another dose of commraderlove.

If nothing else is going on after the Diesel Dog show in Hamiton in a couple of weeks, I'd love to have you all over again to celebrate life for the rest of the night. But if someone else is having a doo, I will back down.. don't want to be party-greedy.



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I am walk'n around work with a smile on my face... people keep asking me what is so funny...

Then I say "Shut and get back to work bitch"... and I smile even more.

One thing I am getting a good laugh about now is at the end of the night, when the lights came on, Thorngor's girlfriend turns to me and says "wow, you looked alot better in the dark!"

Haaaaaa! It's funny because it's true. Hey, if you can't laugh at your own short-comings, how can you expect to laugh at the short-comings of others?

It was great hav'n breakfast with you guys... even though I was shutn' down and not too talkative... still enjoyed eating some grease with ya's.

And Becky, I haven't talked to you much, but you have one of those smiles and auras that just light-up the room. I look forward to many more nights of debauchery with you and Kerri.

I guess I should stop blabbing, you guys are probably sick of listening to me.


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what a great time! big thanks to keri and becki and everyone else who helped put this show on! it was great to meet a lot of you and get to know some of ya better. i can't wait to do it again!

don't forget, if ya ever feel like coming state side, you're more than welcome!

hugs and love to all!

PS. great chili! Yum!!

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aw, paan, thanks so much, i'm blushing! i can't wait to see more of you too! and you little hot tamale karin! mmm! mmm! and to everybody thanks and yeah and you're welcome and

oh wow!!! what a fun, fun, fun, fun, night!!! well...day/night/day, really. :D

bacon, you sure know how to throw a party. :: it really did feel like a kickass comfy basement soirée in there, i've never seen ye old schoolhaus transformed quite like that. thank you soooo much to everyone who helped out with this, heck, even setting the place up was a rockin' good time!

and talk about the party that never stops. holy freakin' crap. my sober & exhausted ass could barely stand after the sun came up, i even ended up having to siss out & go catch some zzzz's when party time hit 7:45am (with no discernable end in sight!). sorry if anyone saw some crankypants action on this end in the morning there, the prospect going until noon (when you've already been going since noon the day before) doesn't pack the same punch of enticement without..um, stamina helpers. heehee. shoulda brought the redbull!

talk about stamina on diesel dog though! 3 freakin' sets! nice job, people! harvard mouse was just awesome too, you guys totally got everyone dancing. it really helped jack things up for the rest of the night! and i can't wait to listen to my autographed mark tonin tape. whooohooo!

and bokonon, i am soooo in love with your chili.... i didn't think it was possible for meatless chili to be as good as the real deal but you sure smashed that (mis)concept(ion) to smithereens! yum in-fricken-deed.

too many funny things over the night to mention, too many people to thank personally, but i will say that was one whopper of a good time, and i can't wait for the next one!!!!

p.s. i will send a special shout out to all those fabulous americans that made the trek all the way up here. karin, james, julia, steve, allison, it was sooooo nice to see y'all up here, i had a way wicked mad phat time with all of you. can't believe i missed zombie academy......

oh, and meggo, i am sooooooooooo happy you ended up coming. what a treat. i miss you so much lady, & can't wait to see you in ottawa in a wee bit!

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"i will send a special shout out to all those fabulous americans that made the trek all the way up here. karin, james, julia, steve, allison, it was sooooo nice to see y'all up here"

This is so true ... it's always special when people travel to see a show, and crossing a border somehow makes it even more special. People who make a road trip to be at a show usually bring with them loads of energy and positive party vibrations. This was certainly the case at the Chatham schoolhouse show.

Thanks to everyone who made the journey to be there!

Peace, Mark

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Wow... I honestly don't even know where to begin... I am FINALLY getting around to posting something, it took a while to recover, that's for sure... I'm not sure what was scarier, crossing the border at 2:00 PM Sunday in my :: state of confusion :: or getting in my car to leave Julia's house in Detroit at 9:30 PM and getting on the highway and realizing I still had about 4 hours to go until I got home. Anyway, I think I might have left my BRAINS in the schoolhouse somewhere, so if any of you Chathamites find them, you can send them back to me. Of course if I did leave them there, I'm sure the ZOMBIES have gotten to them by now.

OK, well I guess first of all, I should thank Keri and all those who were involved with the set-up and planning of the show. Completely and totally unbelievable venue/decor/vibe/time.

Next, thanks go out to Diesel Dog & Harvard Mouse for providing the entertainment, and what entertainment it was... I haven't danced like that in quite some time. OR laughed that hard. Much fun...

Finally, thanks to all the wonderful people who were there for just being there, and also for being who you are. I am honestly more blown away with each and every trip I make to Canada with the kindness and warmth that is to be found damn near everywhere you turn. It was truly a magical night and the vibe was amazing. It was SO incredibly fantastic to see those who I know again, and to meet those that I hadn't before. Looking forward to many, many more years of good times and great friends.

The zombie thing was seriously hillarious... By that point, I was totally confused and I felt like a little kid laughing uncontrollably, because I didn't know what else to do... Somehow, maybe I thought my brains were safe if I kept laughing... The sunrise was spectacular, and my only wish was that we didn't have to leave so soon.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that you guys enjoyed having us as much as we enjoyed being there... Thanks again for everything...

James and Karin, great to see you guys again as always... Julia and Allison, thanks for driving me from Detroit and for accompnaying me. Mark and George and Tim (is it?) and the other guys in HM and DD for playing so well for us all and for being so great. Jeff, Tim, Brad, Kelly, Becky, StuDog, Keri, Brian, Kevin, Paisley, Jillian, Steve, gosh, I can't even remember all of you guys right now, but please don't feel bad if I didn't mention you, it's either because of all the Zombie attacks, or because of all the candy I ate ::. Anyhow, I feel like I'm just babbling at this point, so I guess I'll go for now...

Oh, one last thing... Thanks to Blair and Mud, whose presence was surely missed and without whom I probably would not have met any of you. I spoke to them last night and they mentioned possibly doing something similar over the holidays?!? Keep me posted...

Oh, and Theophrastusbombastus, the Detroit kids are slackers... They're only an hour away... I am about 4-5 times that far. Of course, I still AM a slacker, but for different reasons...


Much Love, Hugs and plenty of Nugs,

S(teve) from C(leveland)

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steve, i'm so glad you made the trip! it was great to see ya as always! what did blair and mud have to say about all the drunken dials we made? i'm sure the messages must have been funny to listen to!

yeah, that border crossing was crazy! i thought we were getting pulled over for sure, the way the customs guy was eyeing us. but, miraculously, he let us go.

glad to hear you got home safe. hope to see ya soon!

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I'm glad I made the trip as well... That border crossing WAS crazy. Julia was asleep and wouldn't wake up until we were right there and the guy was asking us all kinds of questions... Anyhow, we were asked to pull over and searched quickly. We were inside for only about 5-10 minutes... Then on our way.

Blair and Mud were happy to hear from us, although I think that they said that our messages weren't making much sense, but that they could tell that we were having a good time and were happy for that fact. I tried to explain the zombie thing and kept saying, "I'm not exactly sure how it started" and Mud correctly pointed out that it probably had something to do with the L. Anyway, it was good to talk to them, and hopefully we'll be able to all get together over the holiday season...

Steve-o fron Cleve-o

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right on guys, glad you made it home safe and sound, if a wee bit shaky... have had a few shifty eyed crossings myself over the years... think I prefer having to limp back to canada after such an epic journey than I would back to the states

"Hmmm... are these guys hiding some of that damn Canadian marajuana? Naw, looks like they done already smoked it all already." ::

see ya's next time

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