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You crazy Chatham kids...


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hey paan! are you really having an after party? if so can me and ricky crash there after the show, i have an exam at nine in the morning the next day and its in hamilton it would save us a crap load of driving! it's not like i need sleep or anything. if this class got any easier or i got more prepared for the test it would upset the chi of the universe. this class was boring crap i figured out when i was ten years old using windows 3.1. crap crap crap. time for a nap.

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No problem Bokonon... love to have you guys over.

Anybody that needs a place to crash is welcome. The wife and baby are going to the grandparents... so we can really do it up...

I get home from work at around 5:30pm on Friday... so if anyone wants to join me for a few drinks and a little jamm'n anytime after the 6pm mark, come-on by.

I promise I will be wearing pants... for a while anyway.

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