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appropriate/inappropriate? i dont give a...


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nothin' like potty humour! :: here's my pooh stories.

1. i have an older sister. for my thirteenth birthday she sh!t in a bag and handed it to me saying "happy fu©king birthday, this is what your life is going to be like now that you're a teenager."

2. i once sh!t in the shape of a question mark. it had the dot and everything.

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this thread is disturbing

i have had just enough morning coffee that i need to go have a dump myself.

then i have to listen to bull sh!t from the people i'm surrounded by, and then i'm going to spread cow sh!t from the huge pile beside the barn onto the flower beds around here.

tis a sh!tty day

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Have you ever had one so big you thought you were giving birth?

In India I used to eat tons and tons of rice, and somehow my body would compress it into the size of a meatball. Hurt like hell.

I enjoy Coffee's cleansing properties.

If you have funny stuff going on down there, eat more yogurt.

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