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one bouroboeb one scoth and one beer

snarfmaster C

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cheers dal

fu©king velvet - if you're reading this i jsut wrote you two fu©king emails ntafd both times they go tfucking sdetreleted. what the fu©k is your email addersss anywa. >>? sorry message boars [peaihple. i'm drunk,. i shouldn't be subjectiung you thsi iiiiidriuntken typing. veltvet, fu©k you/



wild rturkey RULEZ!!!!@!

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haha....I took Douglas on repeatedly one night and she repeatedly kicked my ass :: She grew up with brothers...I was doomed from the get go. :D

As for that RubberDingy....the smaller he gets the better my odds :)

Actually thinking about it...Dinghy and Douglas have both had me hanging upside down....gotta learn some technique.

Moose has alot of height on Douglar....it would be a good match for sure.... :P:D

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wow, what a night. i woulda had a good shot at a fight with anyone last night... i actually busted one of those hard-plastic table-menu-holder thingies in half with mmy head :: good times :: i can't believe we left the place on our own terms

seems like wild turkey gives me super-human strength .... i say bring it, dougie :: :: ::

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