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Weird foot growth...


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No, I'm not talking corns or boils or warts or anything like that...its even odder..I think my feet have started growing again. I've had the same size feet since I was 12 and now my toes are touching the ends of shoes that used to fit me fine (like, they fit last week, and now they don't).

Perhaps I have contracted a case of gargantuanism...probably some bad tofu...

I can't afford to buy an entirely new footwear wardrobe!

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Perhaps your shoes are shrinking?

Edit: OK, they fit you last week...maybe you're taking on water, or gaining weight?



I'm no dummy, I first considered the above. But, you see, the shoe width is still fine, it's just the length. And my rings all seem to be loose, which they would not be were I retaining water or gaining weight.

Hence, my perplexing dilemma!

Perhaps you're right and my shoes ARE shrinking...or, perchance someone is playing a trick in an attempt to finally give me that one, last push over the edge...I've been three-quarters crazy for many years. Someone thinks that replacing all my shoes with a half size smaller will finally be the key to driving me completely insane.

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i like your way of thinking, phillips.

i'll add this to my list of strange and unsuspecting ways to make people go crazy. here's what i have so far:

1. daily tossing of lettuce at subject as he/she leaves house for work.

2. replacing subjects shoes with same shoes, only half size smaller.

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Maybe you are going to turn into a Werewolf?!?!

Howl at the moon baby!

If I get time tonight I'll look through my notes to see if I can find any foot conditions that would cause this to happen.

When my mom was a client of mine she use to be convinced that her feet had shrunk due to reflexology until I explained the treatments had reduced swelling in her feet. She was so worried she would have to replace all her shoes!

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c'mon... who's counting parsnips?

Not me, that's for sure. Stupid parsnips.

You know, my horoscope this morning said I'd be distracted & unproductive at work--seems to be eerily accurate (though perhaps it was self-fulfilling prophecy on my part). Regardless, I shall continue searching the internet for other stories of women whose feet suddenly grow longer in adulthood (I'm currently perusing werewolf websites to see if that hypothesis could be accurate..)

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horoscopes! so, i read my yearly forecast yesterday... 5 days in, and eerily accurate is right! haha. i wont get into it, but its interesting to watch certain things, beyond your control, unravel in front of you... i have a feeling this month is gonna be a doozy!

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speaking of cabbage.... ever heard of cabbage fishing?

a few years ago, after a long night slaving away at school, i came home to find my roommate and one of my best friends sitting on the couch giggling with a bag of mushrooms sitting open on the coffee table. at this time in our lives, this was not too uncommon, as the 3 of us were going through shrooms like water... but what i found interesting was the broomstick-taped to a hockey stick-with a coat hanger latched the end of it, leaning up against the wall by the big sliding doors to go out onto the balcony. we were on the 11th floor. we had some very nice neighbours directly below us on the 10th floor. my roommate and friend noticed that on their balcony, they had bags upon bags upon bags of cabbage, just sitting there. so, they took it upon themselves to get their own.. all shroomed up around 2 or 3 in the morning. they succeeded, and fished themselves some cabbage, but werent quite sure what to do with it afterwards... i suggested leaving it on their front doorstep with a note that simply stated "we can get to your cabbage". they chose to take pictures of themselves with the cabbage, and attempt to put it back, by way of lowering it with the broom/hockey stick coat hanger thingy... unfortunately, the cabbage fell off the coat hanger, and plunged 11 stories to its death, and exploded in a great green cabbagey mess. i always wondered what the neighbours thought when they saw one of their cabbages exploded on the ground, 10 floors beneath their balcony.

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I have an extremely negative association with parsnips...growing up, my very odd neighbour used to run over and smell other kids' bums when they farted and, evidently, a particular scent caused her to yell out, "Parsnip fart! Parsnip fart!"

Hence, in my mind, parsnips = farts.

Logically, I know this isn't true--I tried a parsnip (against my childhood judgement) and it wasn't bad. But it's a well-ingrained, fallacious belief that I'm finding it hard to be rid of.

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