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Beatles question


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ok so i have a friend who i recently found out has only been allowed to have two Beatles album (huh?!) His wife doesn't like the Beatles.

I'm coming into town on Sat. for his bday dinner and i'm making him a wallet of just a few beatles albums cuz i dont want to just throw everything at him.

So far I have:

Let it Be, Abby Road, and the White Album

maybe Rubber Soul ...

the albums he has are Sgt. Peppers and Revolver

I'm unfamiliar with the anthologies or anything like that - so my question is, is there a "must have" that i'm missing here?

I think i'm going to throw in a Wings - Band on the Run too :)

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i'm a big beatles fan, and I agree if he can only have two more they would have to be:

1)Let it Be

2)Rubber Soul

i wouldnt go for a compilation cause its nice to listen through a whole album as it was intended to be heard, especially a beatles album.

by the way, you should get a couple for his wife too, sounds like she could use some education!

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ah funny - but she is actually EXTREMELY musically educated - i dunno, i was quite shocked the other day when she told me she saw no merit in them... um - i didnt even argue it - i told her to just walk away ;)

that was why i didnt want to throw everythign at him though - a few choice albums - maybe she'll be in the vicinity and come around (?)

thanks ya, i have some holes in my album knowledge - i dont know naked - will take a look for it.

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she is actually EXTREMELY musically educated........ i was quite shocked the other day when she told me she saw no merit in them

I am really not trying to sound all "uppity" about the Beatles here but how a "musically educated" person could see "no merit" in the Beatles is amazing to me. ::

Not liking the Beatles is one thing; finding "no merit" in them is another.

I'm sure she's a lovely woman, no disrespect intended.

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no i know marcO - i didnt' stick around to find out... didnt care to have the argument

but i'm telling you she's introduced me to a hell of a lot of music over the years. Who fanatic at the age of 11 - met John Entwhistle in a store with her parents in England when she was 12 - she was wearing a Kids are Alright Tshirt, patches and listening to the who on her walkman at the time. She couldnt speak.

so hell - i'm just gonna shake my head and let it lie - no reason to get all worked up - then I'll give her husband some car discs :)

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"So far I have:

Let it Be, Abby Road, and the White Album

maybe Rubber Soul ... "

throw in a few hits of LSD and i guaronteeee a great trip.

for add measures check out the anthology collection. there is some great alternate takes of classics beatles songs you've heard the same way 100's of times before. i like anthology 3.

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no no it's not all that - don't take it too seriously - if he was truly only Allowed 2 beatles albums i wouldnt be handing him a little red ikea cd wallet full of beatles.

but the steam will build up in her head for a second heh heh... hee heehee

we all have our quirks, they're funny.

bouche - ya, i'm already throwing in Band on the Run. ;)

ringo need not fu©k off bouche - he's 18 inches tall and magical

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Well, he's already got Revolver eh? That's a damn good start. Let It Be...Naked, is so awesome. The original was good too, but the raw cuts are somehow more...I dunno...heartfelt. There are some really sweet songs on that album and it's nice to hear them more the way they would have sounded if the boys were just sitting around and playing it (not with Phil Spector over producing it to death). Across the Universe is a far nicer cut, in my opinion anyway.

As for what else, maybe you'll have to filter out some stuff and create his own mix. The Mean Mr. Mustard/Polythene Pam/She Came in Through the Bathroom Window medley from Abbey Road is especially good. There are some real gems on the John Lennon box set as well. Here are a few if you can find 'em online:

-Look at Me (one of the most beautiful songs ever...also on Royal Tenenbaum's soundtrack)

-Nobody Loves You When You're Down and Out

-Whatever Gets You Through the Night


-How Do You Sleep

-John Sinclair

-What You Got

Actually, this entire box set is pretty sweet. For the most part, it's kinda mellow. There are some hilarious parodies and banter on it too though. All the listing can be found at


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