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This is a story that has only been half-reported, so far, but will be expounded on tonight.

In a nutshell, a man and his 2-year old were driving in BC, when he was pulled over. I believe he was pulled over for no apparent reason, other than that the local cops were learning "profiling" from Texas State Troopers. It was actually the State Troopers who pulled the car over.

The cops then proceeded to accuse the man of being under the influence of marijuana, and searched his vehicle, with his 2-year-old watching. In the end, the guy had nothing illegal, and was allowed to go on his way.

The man has now sued (I believe the RCMP) and was awarded damages, on the basis that he should never have been pulled over and searched under Canadian law. I believe that the lack of jurisdiction of the Texas State Troopers had something to do with the ruling, as well, but I am not sure as I cannot yet obtain a copy of the judgment.

Anyway, this will be fully reported tonight on television on the World at Six, and on CBC TV's The National.

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It's still bullsh!t, straight up... I'm curious to know if the people were profiled for having BC license plates or if there were other "mitigating" circumstances... Was the dude black or of arabic descent? Had a similiar vehicle been reported doing something of a questionable nature? Any way you look at it it's fu©ked, but I'm going to reserve total judgement until I read all the facts...

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hey del...i would presume that while driving in BC that most cars you'd see on the road would have BC plates...

(the troopers were in BC...)

but yes. it IS bullsh!t. but i don't get pissed about that crap anymore. if they don't have any reason to pull you over then they have no clout and you can demand retribution. I like nice cops, but if a cop makes my life uncomfortable, I'd like to reciprocate.

like i said...it makes me grin.

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Agreed... When I used to listen to a lot of rap (yes, it's true, I used to like rap!) and I got pulled over, I'd always throw on "fu©k Tha Police" by NWA - LOUD... I hate cops, with a passion... I'm all for having police, but they abuse their powers almost as much as GWB does... Almost...

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Actually, the RCMP just kept trying to justify the collaboration. "Well, as you know, the Americans have been dealing with drug traffickers for a lot longer than we have, so of course there's a lot to be learned from them..."

blah blah blah...

BTW, I forgot to mention that the guy who was pulled over is actually a cop, himself, with the Vancouver PD.

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Here's the full story found at http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/01/28/texas-bc050128.html :

Cop wins RCMP settlement after highway search

Last Updated Fri, 28 Jan 2005 22:31:28 EST

CBC News

HOPE, B.C. - A Vancouver man has won an out-of-court settlement from the RCMP after an incident in which he says he was illegally searched by an American police officer.

Last spring, David Laing was driving on a highway near Hope, B.C., when he was pulled over by a man with a heavy Texas accent.

David Laing

"In a very thick American accent from the southern states, he advised me it was a British Columbia road check. And he asked me for my driver's licence and my vehicle registration," said Laing.

"I'm being pulled over and given directions by an American who won't identify himself," said Laing. "And I was concerned about it."

A Vancouver police officer, Laing refused to let the officers search his car. Under Canadian law, police officers don't have the right to perform that kind of search.

The American was a Texas state trooper working with a member of the Hope detachment of the RCMP. The pair gave Laing a ticket for having two different addresses for his insurance and his registration.

Seconds later, Laing says a different RCMP officer and Texas trooper stopped his car, decided he was driving under the influence of marijuana, and searched his vehicle and two-year-old son.

The police found no drugs and despite saying he was impaired just moments earlier, let him go.

"They still, knowingly, had a Texas trooper escort me to the front of the vehicle. I'm a constable with the Vancouver police. He's a Texas trooper and yet I'm under his control," said Laing.

Texas troopers on exchange

The Texas state troopers were in B.C. as part of an exchange program with the RCMP to spot and stop drug traffickers. Called Pipeline Convoy, the program involves training officers to detect people who are lying or trying to hide things from police, said RCMP Sgt. John Ward.

The visiting officers don't have any powers of arrest or detention, said Ward.

"They are under our direction and our very, very strict supervision and scrutiny so they can see what we do and how we do it," said Ward.

Ward says the Texas troopers' profiling program provides great help to the Mounties.

"The Americans do a lot of this and have been doing it for quite some time. So there's a lot of opportunity on both sides of the border to become closer."

Laing and his lawyer disagree. They say that when it comes to narcotics, American attitudes and Canadian laws are quite different.

"We have different freedoms than they have," Laing says. "You don't want to mesh too much. You don't want your police meshing to the point where we start taking on other police jurisdictions' policies."

The RCMP settled with Laing out of court when he threatened to sue for unlawful detention. But the Mounties defend the search, saying Laing looked suspicious because his eyelashes were fluttering and his eyes were flashing.

Murray Mollard of the B.C. Civil Liberties Association says police shouldn't depend on clues like that. He says that it's not a scientifically reliable method.

Mollard says Laing's case presents a series of concerns – from using unreliable profiling techniques to a wrongful vehicle search, not to mention using an American police officer to pull over Canadians. He says his association will be writing the RCMP to complain about the profiling techniques.

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ugghh, that story makes me sick. Nice to see the good guy win though. Og all state troopers to "learn" from, they pick Texas?? are the RCMP high themselves or what?

State Troopers are the biggest, most pompous power trip retards on the planet. Keep them south of the border, we are doing fine up here without them.

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This pisses me off so much!!!

How about this quote?!?

< Ward says the Texas troopers' profiling program provides great help to the Mounties.

"The Americans do a lot of this and have been doing it for quite some time. So there's a lot of opportunity on both sides of the border to become closer." >

Absolutely, positively scary!

Peace, Mark

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I think that too many of us, here, have had the experience of a fat, pompous State Trooper ordering us to "Keep yer hands where I can see 'em!" and to get out "wh'all we search yer vee-hickle" such that we are particularly sensitive to this.

I would lose it if I was subjected to that type of police-state attitude in this country, and I couldn't agree more with Mark: "positively scary"!

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