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A Good Day at the Office!


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even though i don't know what in the world a cs02 is (or a cs01 for that matter), this sounds like super great awesome news, so congratulations to you!!!!

awwww, that is a great picture....

too bad canada doesn't have such a thing as a long-week-off... ooh, a week-long ctmf...the carnage!

i hope you really, really enjoy your new job, douglas!

*finger crossed you do in fact, get a window* :)

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sorry for being lame-o on this post...

thank you for all the kind words! And a big congats to you Huxy!

The past 2 days have been somewhat surreal. Packing up my office, saying goodbye, and still doing my regular work! (who the hell ever said that gov workers are slackers???!!!) Lots of laughs, lots of chats, and lots of tears. I grew very attached to some of my clients, and it was really tough to leave there today. Blah...I've said all of this and much more throughout the hours today.

I can only hope that my downtown location is half as good as Tunneys...

Thanks again everyone...I'll let ya know if I sank or swam 8 months from now... !!!

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