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Hamiltonians -> Look out for our stolen sh!t


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We left our front door unlocked last night, by accident of course. Woke up this morning and some pretty valuable, not to mention sentimentally valuable, stuff was gone. I don't know how often y'all visit the pawn shops and whatnot, just thought it would be best to get the word out to as many places as possible. If you notice any friends of friends with some fancy new shit...or hear some drunk bragging about it...you know where to find me. The po's are on their way, so hopefully this stuff will end up in the pawn shop report this week. First up:

Epiphone Firebird electric guitar w/ Seymour Duncan pickups

[<-- as pictured in avatar]


^ Looks pretty close to this

-> Pickups show "SD logo" on face

-> Slight paint chipping/exposed wood around input jack

Next we have:

Simon & Patrick Luthiers Rosewood/Cedar model acoustic guitar


In hardshell case

Small gouge on upper left bout of guitar (see picture)

The three bridge pegs for lower strings are cream with a black dot; the three for the upper are cream with no dot

Cort Acoustic/Electric guitar


In hardshell case

One tuning machine missing a washer

Giant Rainer Bicycle, Blue


Serial # GL273206

SHITTY! Just spreading the word y'all, thanks. Oh, and I could do with some of this board's famous vibes for return of some or all of this stuff, or at the very least, some sort of resolution here.

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Mna thats total bullshit....I feel for ya dude!!! My roomate just lost his ernie ball black cherry burst stingray 5 string and his 800 watt eden head in carrying case..at his last show..Man peope have no respect for other people things anymore at all..just steal whatever isnt bolted down whneever....its fucking Disgusting!!!

Hope ya get some info that leads ya back to ur stuff...or just get it back man!!Heres hopin!!



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That's awful and infuriating. What the fuck is with some people. Seriously. And what's with Michael Moore saying people in Canada are perfectly fine leaving their doors unlocked. Will keep eyes peeled for Firebirds, S&Ps, Corts, and Rainiers here in TO.

Sorry you guys have to be going through this, Rev. I'll listen for some good blistering PSAs on your show Friday morning.

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Aaron, your shit will never see a conventional pawn shop. There's a place on loche st. used to be a convenience store. The dude bills himself as an antique dealer but he's fuckin' shady. He'll take just about anything no questions asked. The kids that took your shit are most likely local and I'm sure they'd know the place. Get your ass over there and get your shit back.

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