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Relix?! July 2005


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Aww common, don't make me go out and buy the magazine for direct quotes... I had it paraphrased at a friends house, but apparantley it had something to do with this very message board... aprantley the news has become the news!!!

Shall we discuss?



BTW anyone listen to Pucho and His Latin Soul Brothers? Truly inspirational Afro-beat!!! It's so hot right now.

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Thinking faster than I can type... snafu
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the article was written by shainhouse.. and quite well, too... its about message boards.. this one, an old burt board, some other boards... i've read it, and have no idea what you're getting at.

oh yeah, the little tiny photo is mine, too. yay me! ;)

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I'm talking about what Burt said about the nature of Criticizm on Message Boards and how it acts like a poison to up and comming acts... and how it suggests, that if your a band, you should just advertize on message boards, and not participate, because there are people that will eat you alive...

Oh well, personally I'd like to talk directly to the artist sometime, even on a message board... but supposidly a message board is not a safe enough place to do that for a musician trying to make that... seem's a little diseased for me... since we are willing to pay money to have them amplify their views in our ears for an hour plus.

Anywho... I'd elaborate... but I'm sure there's enough meat to keep the wolves happy... I know I'm lickin' my chops already :)



PS good work on the Photo... I'll try to read the article when I get some newstand time... or is there an online link... yeah... I'm a lazy bastard... actually... I'll just go look now...


Just my two cents...

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Hi smoothedshredder.

Jeff from BNB here. Haven't read the article yet myself... been having a hard time trying to find a copy. Shane has been very kind to us over the years in including our band in his writings.... and I congratualte him on his Relix feature. When he first interviewed me back in 2001, he told me he wanted to be the next Dean Budnick! He's well on his way.

Got a question? Feel free to ask - Mike and I are regular posters on this board and our own. I believe Shane used us in the article because of some unfortunate occurances with our band and message boards back 4 years ago or so. I never got around to answering Shane's questions for that article that he emailed me... but kind of wished I had.

We received lots of very nasty comments online in 2001 and 2002 regarding some decisions we'd made. Emotions were high and a few of us, myself included, lashed back a few times on the boards. Looking back it was not the right approach to dealing with the situation we'd put ourselves in. I have regrets.

I've lightened up on the whole thing these days, although I am careful what I write... as everyone should be. At the other end of these user names are real people with real emotions. Sometimes we forget that.


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Yeah for sure... seems like everytime someone lays a line down here it's like a powder keg... {sorry Del}

I'm fairly new here, and pretty positive about music in general... I'm surprised at how negative the focus is on many threads, but still find this place the best community to find info on the music I like... still, I'm naieve to the whole thing... don't even know where to buy my marshmallow overcoat... seriously though... I looked for the article on the way home... save a tree, and lets get it online maybe? Or not, either way it's cool :).

Totally dig your band... and I dig that Olmer Album too... that's some great songwriting!!!



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"I hate Tony D (a local blues guitar player)".

wow, the h-bomb... everytime I hear that word everything which usually follows sounds like Japanese Ear Cleasning Music. People can be so reckless with what they say... we should always talk of 'people', musicians are not commodities, what the fuck is music anyway, and is it so much more important than the person to always cut them up, or say you 'hate' them?


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Yeah... I dig the Olmer CD too. In case y'all didn't know - Jer Little recently released a solo CD called Olmer. Pick it up at our shows if you get a chance.

I tried to read the article online but there's no link at the website. I'll get to it soon....

Glad to hear Scott's got a shot in there too.

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The other day a friend of mine said "I hate Tony D (a local blues guitar player)". I was shocked, as I work with Tony and he's an awesome guy.

He was talking music, I was talking people.

What a funny little world we live in.

Yeah, that was a very old and uneducated personal impression that I know now was completely wrong. How can you say that you hate someone's music that you haven't even seen nor heard in 7 years?

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man misses show, but starts shit on message board about said show.

man does not read article, but starts shit on message board about said article.

the link: burt neilson band.


All that stuff is in my database somewhere. I lost access to the archived posts as they became misplaced in the database. I'm going to ask for help to bring it back from some mysql gurus. Once I do that, I'll post links!

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that was the start of a lot of craziness, not the catalyst. There is a post about jeff leaving the band, and posts about BnB breaking up.

I'm not sure exactly what's printed in Relix, but I thought that's what Guigsy was referring to.

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I love reading that thread everytime someone reminisces about it. It's all about Grum's final jab "that world-wide fact finding team trying to track down the crappiest web site ever made". haha

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