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no bin laden didn't bomb the trade centers because of Bush... Bush is a Muslim extremists' wet dream... Bush is to be hated because he turned the trade center tragedy into an excuse to break all the rules of war to walk into iraq and kill over 100,000 people who had nothing to do with the world trade centers or bin laden... purely despicable... or to use one of his favorite catch phrases, "evil"

if he had've stayed in afghanistan, focused on catching bin laden and dismantling terrorist training camps that would have been acceptable

using the tradegically murdered world trade center victims as a false excuse to grab up iraq's oil and increase his crony pals already overstuffed wallets is sickening

saddam wasn't trying to acquire uranium and there was no evidence of any other weapons of mass destrution before or after the war 'ended'... bin laden and saddam hated each other, saddam hated all muslim extremists... the new iraqi constitution is heavily muslim fundamentalist and demands women wear viels (which was never the case under saddam), everyone there is suffering worse than they have in their lives, terrorist are popping up left and right and iraq is regressing 200 years back into the past

Bush gets no sympathy from me

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ps. sorry to come off so empassioned

just spent all afternoon drinking with my 6 cousins from Georgia and Colorado whom I hadn't seen for 22 years and it was a heavy day... they feel the same as me on the issues though they're from totally different walks of life and, suprisingly, both republican and democrat (though the republican one and his wife hate bush too)

happy sunday! =)

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Your a potential target. I do not deny any number of the deeper issues brought up in these threads but... If you like to party (or friends with a Jew)they could target you. Look at our other friends in Egypt.

I think some Canadians have acknowledged that we at some time, could be targets for terrorist attacks. It would be narrow-minded not to think that this could happen here.

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ya, I love the ol term "good vs. evil" that Ol GWB writes about... Honestly, as an educated adult, am I really supposed to believe that a those that use makeshift explosives are somehow more evil than those that create weapons in a factory.

Come on now, in the length that it takes to write this, more people have died of starvation than all of the people killed by terrorists combined.

I really wonder---whether or not starvation was an epidemic in Africa in Pre Victorian times? Or is it a result of our constant expansion of our frontiers??

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Alright, so then where do we begin? Is anyone aware that the U.S. agricultural industry produces enough food to adequately feed the entire world, only to provide the "creme de le creme" to lucrative markets, while the rest becomes livestock feed or even compost, while millions starve? Definitely not a problem of production, but of distribution. How about the fact that the pharmeceutical industry is the most lucrative in the world, based on eternal symptom suppression, as opposed to actual treatment? Thoughts anyone?

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ah, nice to see that we are getting to the grassroot of the problem here....

(well, at least in my opinion)

Funny thing is, we are a culture based on the ideals of Christianity where we are told that we should live a life that is good enough for us to get accepted to "heaven." However, one could argue that if this place is selective, how are those in our world supposed to get in before someone that suffers at our expense?

I apologize for the heavy thoughts, but, I have been considering this for sometime.

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Definitely not a problem of production, but of distribution. How about the fact that the pharmeceutical industry is the most lucrative in the world, based on eternal symptom suppression, as opposed to actual treatment? Thoughts anyone?

Well, if you are an investor in the company that makes aspirin, would you want your product to totally cure the problem?? Or would you prefer something that as you said "suppresses" the problem, and it acts as a conductor for you to have more headaches, thus, resulting in you taking more aspirin... Considering that the more aspirin you sell, the more money you make.

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In response to Vermontdave:

While I agree with what everyone is saying... it seems that it does not have to be so deep. Why did they explode the bombs in Egypt. They do not like the liberal ideas of the modern age (sex, drugs, drink, and women). *an additional subject that gets them all up in arms is Zionism.

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In response to Vermontdave:

While I agree with what everyone is saying... it seems that it does not have to be so deep. Why did they explode the bombs in Egypt. They do not like the liberal ideas of the modern age (sex, drugs, drink, and women). *an additional subject that gets them all up in arms is Zionism.

This is not a sound argument... it serves only to divide, not bring together. It doesn't have to be deep, but certainly the solution to the problems are far deeper than this... so, I guess, it 'does' have to be deep. ;)


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I have had people pointing out that I come across as a www.dork for a while. More so than anything because I am a little hard to figure out... 'self-absorbed'? I guess the people in Egypt, Turkey, and.. were so much of GWB fans that it was O.K. to blow them up. My guess they probably were not so much fans of GWB fans in the first place???

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I think you are underestimating and misunderstanding who Noam Chomsky is, if you regard his site as a mere "blog", and Prof. Chomsky as a someone who likes "spending that much time talking".

He is one of the most intelligent and well-informed people on this planet and has been for the past 50 years.

Everyone would do well to learn from Prof. Chomsky.

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I can't wait to hear your 'once over' on Chomsky :D ... if your more of a rockstar check out Howard Zinn...



He's more Dramatic...

And what you take from this thread is correct... we don't seem to agree on your basic ideas... and this is why:

The conclusions you draw from your basic ideas lack substance and seem to do more to widen the divide between you and those who you speak of, rather than to bring you closer to the reality which others in the world live by.

We only want to help you to see... if only the answer to you primary question about bombs, and why they go off in places with lots of people.



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I guess in so many words I would like to hear in your opinion as to why the 'bombs' continue to go off in 'Muslim' areas of the world.

I suppose you'd have to ask the terrorists. The problem is, they're not a well-defined group. There are so many different groups with different agendas, and they aren't necessarily connected to each other or working in unison. But, we like things simple over here in North America, so it's easier to just imagine (believe?) that they are all being master-minded by Osama bin-Laden, or whomever.

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If it is so deep than why (who ever they are) continue to do some of their work in Islamic countries??? Do'nt say it is because they support GWB.

"They" continue to do there work becuase they are angry and vindicated. These characteristics are typical of a group that has an underlying fear.

"They" do their work because of many reasons which "they" have determined justified because "they" have been victimized. GWB is a reason for "them". (I hate quotes in general, but I don't think you have a firm grasp of distinctions when you uses this term... us/them... but I digress).

"They" are, in this case:

Al-Queda and The US Government

There are more, but my point is:

Both sides support each other, and "they" are both in the buisness of fear for profit.

The ideas which support these camps are archeic, and sad. It's too bad "they" don't just vote for peace and a world where we can apologize... accept and apology, and move on...

How can America broker peace between Isreal and Palestein when it can't even broker peace between it at a country on the exact opposite side of the globe. This hypocracy removes America's credibility in terms of being to justify it 'world' policeman' label it so graciously bestowed on itself.

I know it's complicated... but, If I've paraphrased it once, I'll paraphrase it again:

"If people wanted peace, they would take it..."

-John Lennon

Why I brought this up is my fear... These people don't want peace... they want us on the edge, they want to be able to 'harvest' 'us', whenever, and to keep 'us' weak just incase they need to flex there muscle to keep us in line. But alas, I will still choose peace, and merrily await my next incarnation. :)

Anyways... I just want to extend a hand a friendship to you Mr. Philly, and hope that this doesn't seem like a personal attack... the trouble with language is the idea it tries to capture is witin linguitic knots, it's the job of a philosopher to untie those knots, and since I'm a practicing philosopher... I feel it's my duty to say these things... if only to help untie a couple knots you may have in your posts.

Peace dude...

Phillies are looking good this year!


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Well stated 'smoothedshredder'. To say GWB wants peace is a limb I will not climb out on.

Again for the life of me, we all have very strong opinions on... I am impressed by the ability of the members on this board to back up their feelings but... I have a hard time talking about this situation when individuals cannot or are unwilling to offer up an explanation as to why 'conservative' muslims are willing to blow up their 'liberal' brothers.

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