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Is everyone a jerk this week?


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They say (you know' date=' them) that in hunter-gatherer days, the average working day was about 4 hours long. I'm still waiting for this computer age to bring in the 3-day working week like they promised us all through public school.


I've been reading much human evolution the last couple of years. Basically every technical breakthrough we've had from farming to computers has actually increased the workload for the average human being. When the europeans first came to North America they found these native tribes living in the deserts who were described as the worst kind of humans ever "discovered". Little better than dogs. Just lazed about all day long. But these people knew every plant in their environment and exactly when it was going to produce for them. They were able to sit around all day because they knew what to do and when to do it. Unlike our society where we have a goof like G-dubbwa who tells the American population that the best thing they can do is go shopping. In other words it doesn't matter what you produce or consume just keep it going.

Drives me crazy. Probably why we're all so uptight. Just running around in circles all day making money but not necessarily accomplishing anything in the greater scheme of things.

the worst part of it all is that there's a whole superfluous layer of people in the middle who are enjoying all of the leisure that we're supposed to be getting. rather than being hunter/gatherers and working for our survival and betterment, we spend all of our time doing some weird abstract specialized task. in exchange we get small green pieces of paper (or their digital equivalent) that we then trade for our necessities. the people that facilitate these transactions take a good piece of them, and as such they net out for very little effort.

the world needs fewer middle-men (middle-people??) why does Speedy Muffler have a giant building downtown full of people that can't install mufflers? or any other giant company for that matter has a whole sector of its' workforce that does not directly do things or make things...

i think before we ever get the promised highly-reduced work week, we will need to load up the B ark and get rid of the middle folk :)

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Sweet Jebus where would we be without humour...

We would still be single-celled amoebae floating around the sea.

... it all started one day when Phil the amoeba asked Janice the Amoeba to 'pull his finger'... everybody laughed so hard that their sides split, and then they split entirely. A wave of evolution sparked from there...

... what made it really funny is that he didn't even have a finger.


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In response to is everyone a jerk this week? Yes..well i consider myself more of an asshole than a jerk but if the glove fits....

but not just this week...i maintain my assholedom/jerkiness week after week.....Just keepin it Real...You know ;)

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I'm just noticing more and more instances of 2 people 'having it out' in a thread about something entirely different. It's also usually the same few people involved as well, which gives the illusion that EVERYONE is in a bad mood.

I was just reading the CODETALKERS thread and was completely flabbergasted by the bitchfest between del and beats. I don't have the time to stop this crap which ultimately is distracting from the original topic about the Codetalkers.

These kinds of exchanges NEED to go into private topics or emails. I've warned in the past about locking threads when they get off-topic but I just can't keep up, and it's unfair to the original thread poster to lock their thread because of IMMATURE e-argueing.

What is with the fetish of telling someone they are an idiot in a post that isn't about them? OWNING someone seems to be the goal, and that's what kids do on message boards. It has to stop here and now. I'm probably going to have to draft some sort of rules list soon and pass it on to moderaters. Rules that aren't followed can easily lead to temporary bans.

Amen. Here, Here.

I man support 'dat.


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I am what I am and that is my evolution, what others percieve of me is their evolution~Ram Dass

I am only alive out of spite~ Barstool Prophet


It seems that a lot of folk defend their right in the world to be mean-spirited. Smile at a person on the street and some will be confused or even annoyed.

I saw a shirt on a person the other day that said.

"Smile, it confuses people!" Love it!

I am a natural born cynic. I used to not like people until they proved they were worth it.

My life has improved 100% since I realized that if you put EVERYTHING on the GOOD TIP it will pay off in massive positivity thrown your way and opportunity instead of unresolvable conflict.

It took losing some friends and pissing off some loved one for me to realise the err in my ways. Not a pretty road that was paved witha lot of tears and confusion on both sides.

In my experience defending being negative is just a defense mechanism for when I was afraid to evolve into something I didn't naturally come too.

People, ALL people, hold on to their frustrations and angry ways like their some rare find or something. Strange.

Though you may be naturally pre-disposed to hate or cynicsm, in the end you will have cheated yourself of opportunities and friendships that could have enriched your life.

It's science it's a fact!


PS OK now you can tell me to fuck off.

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PS OK now you can tell me to fuck off.

Deeps...if you truly knew me or what I was about,(or even took the time to find out) you would know that I would never tell you or anyone else to f@ck off or anything else along those lines;ask those who do know and I'm sure you'll find out that I am infact the opposite of what you might think. I welcome other peoples opinion as they are entitled to it. I might not always take anything from it but I'll at least listen.

The reason I posted those 2 quotes was not meant to show how I feel personally but more as a summation of why I think people are or can be jerks. Also one must keep in mind what is happening or has happened to cause someone to lash out in such a way to offend another.

People need to learn to accept that everyone in this world is an individual with their own thoughts and ideas and if we are going to persecute people for that than we are in serious trouble. Just because you may disagree doesnt mean you need to degress to the point of grade school bully to get your point across. Subtlety is almost a lost art

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PS OK now you can tell me to fuck off.

Deeps...if you truly knew me or what I was about' date='(or even took the time to find out) you would know that I would never tell you or anyone else to f@ck off or anything else along those lines;ask those who do know and I'm sure you'll find out that I am infact the opposite of what you might think. I welcome other peoples opinion as they are entitled to it. I might not always take anything from it but I'll at least listen.

The reason I posted those 2 quotes was not meant to show how I feel personally but more as a summation of why I think people are or can be jerks. Also one must keep in mind what is happening or has happened to cause someone to lash out in such a way to offend another.

People need to learn to accept that everyone in this world is an [b']individual with their own thoughts and ideas and if we are going to persecute people for that than we are in serious trouble. Just because you may disagree doesnt mean you need to degress to the point of grade school bully to get your point across. Subtlety is almost a lost art

Didn't mean to single you out at all man or imply that you were one way or the other just stating that their is a tendancy to defend cynicsm in general...actually as I was going to bed last night I realized that my post may have had a weird angle on it due to quoting anyone at all. I thought because you didn't actually say what was in the quote that it was a decent example to utilize.

No harm intended brother.


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none taken brother...I wasnt tryin to be nasty either, I apologize for singling you out for words intended for people that they would be lost on. I was trying to make a general point also and I agree 100% with everything in your post, i just wanted to add to it ;)

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