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glad I'm not from Utah...

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sad story about a supposably fully licensed, insured outdoor event which the promoters had obtained all the permits the city told them they would need, that the cops busted using extremely excessive force (tear gas, army dogs, riot gear, assault rifles)


here's another version of the story by a female dj named Syze

gotta love that freedom everybody's fightin for these days

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What an interesting state. So does everybody there like pointing guns in one another's face? Oh, and the kicking.

Tangentially, I remember the University of Utah having to fight tooth and nail to keep concealed guns off the campus, when the state gov't was trying to keep everyone armed and ready. Come to think of it, there was also that town, around the time of the Olympics, that tried mandating gun ownership for every house.



actually saw that earlier (soouper slow download)... basically the DJs on stage... smilin, hittin knobs, groovin on their jungle mix then some bright lights swing by then a voice shouting "TURN IT DOWN, TURN IT RIGHT DOWN, I SAID TURN IT OFF!" and the guys scrambling for the volume... makes you mad

as someone on MetaFilter pointed out, if you don't want them to have the party: call them up and tell them the party is off, beforehand... you don't need the 101st armoured division to bust some kids just out to have a good time

apparently there is some video HERE , but i havent been able to get it to work yet...

Me neither, but then their site does say "Under heavy construction."

What a troubling story. Makes me think of Niemoller - "First they came for the Muslims, but I did not speak out because I was not a Muslim...."

Oh, wait - video's looking like it might come through....

Nope, still waiting... (not like I really want to see it).

I wonder what Deer Creek 1995 would have looked like in 2005.

you don't need the 101st armoured division to bust some kids just out to have a good time

Thing is,it was police in riot gear,not military.Riot gear is standard practice for that sorta situation,especially in gun-happy states.Weapons violations also occured.

Actual link the story came from...


Heres an news article on it...

About 60 people were arrested Saturday night when police officers busted an illegal rave in Spanish Fork Canyon.

Those arrested were cited on a variety of charges including the possession of illegal narcotics, weapons violations, DUI, illegal consumption of alcohol by a minor, disorderly conduct,assaulting a police officer and drug distribution.

The youngest of those cited was 15 years old, said Utah County Sheriff's Sgt. Dan Gilbert.

Police in Utah County have monitored several raves this summer and have grown increasingly concerned about their legality and safety, Gilbert said. When detectives got word that another party was planned for Saturday, they set to work to make sure they got their point across that such activity was not welcome in their area.

"The Sheriff's Office will investigate and look into and find an illegal mass gathering going on, we will take the appropriate action to stop the party at that time," Gilbert said.

Investigators learned that no permit had been requested for a mass gathering which requires a bond and Utah County Commission approval for groups larger than 250, said Gilbert. Police learned around noon Saturday that the rave would be held in the Diamond Fork area of Spanish Fork Canyon and assembled about 90 officers from several agencies to enforce crowd control.

Undercover officers filtered into the party when the doors opened about 9 p.m. By 11:30 p.m. police confirmed that more than 250 people were in attendance and stormed the party. During their two hours at the DJ-driven dance party, undercover officers had observed a multitude of illegal activities including the sale and consumption of drugs such as cocaine, ecstacy, alcohol, methamphetamine and marijuana.

"The sale of drugs at these parties is so prevalent that at this particular rave party, drugs were offered to local off-duty emergency medical service personnel who were contracted to be there," Gilbert said.

A 17-year-old West Jordan girl overdosed on ecstasy, police said. Most of the participants were between 15 and 30 years old and were from Spanish Fork, Springville, Provo, Payson, as well as Davis and Salt Lake counties, Gilbert said. Two security guards hired by the promotor were arrested for the possession of cocaine and ecstasy and Spanish Fork police made two DUI arrests as partyers drove out of the canyon, he said.

Most of the 400 or so ravers left peacefully.

But others were detained if they had been seen doing something illegal or showed visible signs of impairment, said Gilbert.

In a sweep of the area after the crowd had been controlled, which one raver said was executed with unnecessary force, police found a plethora of drugs and drug paraphernalia scattered on the ground, Gilbert said.

Brett George told Fox News 13 that officers stormed the party and treated attendees unfairly, including beating one man that was trying to film the bust with a video camera.

Police want parents of teenagers to know the dangers of illegal, clandestine rave parties. Gilbert said that in addition to heavy drug use, raves attract sexual assaults, violence, theft and promote unsafe driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.




Heres the Seriff's statement...

Rave Party

Utah County Sheriff's Office shuts down Rave Party in Spanish Fork Canyon.

During the summer of 2005 the Utah County Sheriff's Office has seen an increase in the number of large Rave parties that have occurred within Utah County. Approximately four weeks ago the Sheriff's Office became aware of another possible Rave party that was to occur somewhere in Utah County on August 20, 2005.

Tickets were sold through a Salt Lake vendor, Uprock, for $20.00. Tickets could be bought in advance and directions to the exact location of the Rave would be provided on the day of the event.

Utah County mass gathering ordinance prohibits the gathering of two hundred and fifty or more persons without a permit, bond, and Utah County Commission approval.

Research was conducted and no mass gathering permit had been obtained for this incident. However, a health department permit had been obtained and EMS personnel were contracted to be on scene for first aide.

From several previous experiences with Rave parties of this size, a large amount of drug use and underage consumption of alcohol occur. In addition reports of sexual assaults, overdoses, firearm violations, vehicle burglaries, and numerous individuals drive from the party under the influence of alcohol and or drugs.

Utah County Sheriff's Office Detectives interviewed several females that had attended a prior rave party in the Utah county area in the past month that had been sexual assaulted. These females stated that the combination of drugs and alcohol made them fear for their safety due to the groping and sexual assaults that occurred during the Rave party. In the last year alone one near fatal shooting was investigated by Utah County Sheriff's Office at a similar party.

Around noon on Saturday, August 20th, the Sheriff's office learned that the Rave Party was to take place in the Diamond Fork area located in Spanish Fork canyon at the Child's ranch. At that point it was again verified that the Utah County Commissioner's office had no knowledge of this nor had a permit been obtained.

Utah County Major Crimes was contacted to assist with undercover surveillance. Both local and state SWAT teams were called in to control the crowds ( Utah County Metro SWAT, Utah Department of Corrections out of Salt Lake and Gunnison, Department of Public Safety and their helicopter and Provo SWAT) approximately 90 law enforcement personnel combined.

At 9 pm the Rave party began and by 10 pm Major Crimes observed numerous illegal activities. Which included illegal use of drugs, distribution of drugs, and underage consumption of alcohol.

It was verified that more than 250 individuals were at the party, in violation or county statutes and by 11:30 pm law enforcement personnel moved in to curtail and disburse the party. During this process at least 60 arrests were made for weapons offenses, DUI, illegal underage consumption of alcohol, possession of marijuana, possession of cocaine, possession of methamphetamine, possession of ecstasy, distribution of ecstasy, resisting arrest, assault on a police officer, and disorderly conduct.

A safety sweep was conducted after the crowd was ordered to disburse and numerous narcotic items were located scattered on the ground which included: cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, mushrooms, alcohol and large amounts of drug paraphernalia.

A 17 year old female from West Jordan, found by officers, had overdosed on ecstasy. She was treated and released to her parents.

Several local teenagers from Spanish Fork, Springville, Provo, and Payson were identified at the party by officers. As well as, numerous individuals out of the Salt Lake and Davis County area.

Parents need to be aware of the type of illegal activities that occurs at these type of gathering. Sexual assaults, rapes, overdoses, drugs, alcohol abuse, thefts, and firearms violations. The sale of drugs at these parties is so prevalent that at this particular Rave party drugs were offered to a local off duty emergency medical service personnel who were contracted to be there. In addition two security personnel hired by the promoter were arrested for possession of cocaine and ecstasy


Heres the Seriff's statement...
Rave Party

Utah County Sheriff's Office Detectives interviewed several females that had attended a prior rave party in the Utah county area in the past month that had been sexual assaulted. These females stated that the combination of drugs and alcohol made them fear for their safety due to the groping and sexual assaults that occurred during the Rave party.


'Cuz up here in Utah, that stuff is a family affair...shouldn't be happening outside of the home. Fookin' wierdos.


Truthfully...I really don't care.Fact is though,they didnt have the permits in which the law requires for more then 250 people.I don't feel thats a need to use extremes but (as we know up here) without the right permits..the law steps in.

Heres a whack of links...





http://fatbaron.com/videos.html *Torrent Files here*




Utah News Coverage





Police learned around noon Saturday that the rave would be held in the Diamond Fork area of Spanish Fork Canyon and assembled about 90 officers from several agencies to enforce crowd control.

This is the part that bugs me. If they knew at noon that an illegal event was set to take place why didn't they shut it down before anyone arrived? The police's ambush tactics are scary. Though, of course, not really surprising.

They probably couldn't have shut it down until there were more than 250 people there, despite the number of tickets that were sold.



Yeah thats what I figured,since it wouldn't be an "illegal gathering" until the 250 person mark was surpassed.I do believe that was just their excuse to bust a big party,but in the end,the promoters dropped the ball by not getting permits.

*But* if they did get permits like they claim then this will be public record and will surface...

But (and this is only my opinion) they [promoters] probally knew beforehand they wouldnt get pernits passed for a rave...in turn making it an "illegal rave".

[color:purple]Gotta love loopholes eh?

Posted (edited)

Yeah,that was another of the links provided later on the board I found the other links (previous to reading this thread).I'm not siding on one or the other,but I do like being able to read both sides of a story & not just the side of the attendees/organizers or performers.

If permits were issued & possesed as claimed,copies will appear online,plain & simple.No promoter in their right mind will just claim they got a permit & not have copies,records themselves, as well city hall or wherever it is those permits were/are issued will have record of this,so far the organizers have produced none of that to contradict the polices allegations,in light of such claims you would think that would be the very first thing they would do.

[edit to add]

All of which are accesible to the public.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

agreed... from the sounds of things the lawsuits will be flying if the cops were as out of line as it sounds... I was just moved originally picturing being high and happy in a field and having that kind of aggresion jump into my face

in the Metafilter discussion one guy brings up an interesting point that GWBush rolls into that county tomorrow for a preplanned visit, and that a recent big drug bust would be a great way to hit up the feds for large bucks to combat their local drub problems

(earlier on I only called the cops the 101st because they seemed to be acting pretty nuts with the helicopters and camouflage uniforms and all... the original poster "knick evl ntnt" brings up that Utah is one of the most conservative States in America, but even still it seemed over the top)

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

(earlier on I only called the cops the 101st because they seemed to be acting pretty nuts with the helicopters and camouflage uniforms and all... the original poster "knick evl ntnt" brings up that Utah is one of the most conservative States in America, but even still it seemed over the top)

Its also a state that had a senator or somthing years back trying to pass a bill (around the Olympics or somthing there) that would require by law that every home owned a gun.(If I find that story,I'll post a link)[color:red](edit to add)Also as mentioned by Dr.Evil Mouse.Just saw that...

Seems with threat of weapons (there were weapons violations,although I dont know what type) exsisting,police wearing riot gear was required,given the risk involved.Not saying their actions were,but if I was a cop in Utah I wouldn't take the chance.

But in the end,if the organizers had the proper permits they claimed they did,then the law suits will fly (against the cops),but if they didnt then I don't think (again my opinion) anyone has a leg to stand on with suing the police,but they might be able to sue organizers.

Edited by Guest
Seems with threat of weapons (there were weapons violations,although I dont know what type) exsisting,police wearing riot gear was required,given the risk involved.Not saying their actions were,but if I was a cop in Utah I wouldn't take the chance.

No doubt. Kind of a problem - you get a state bursting at the seams with (concealed) weapons, and you don't know what the hell to expect. I'm sure all the hype about drugged-crazed youth doesn't help soften the encounter.

The setup of it all still bothers me. Dubya appears on the horizon, and like there's a magnetic field around him, everything in the vicinity starts getting really dumb and hamfisted and violent.

Posted (edited)

yeah, I hear ya... should've posted the sheriff's side originally, just have such a distrust of american authorities these days... got emotional reading about girls getting kicked and people bit by dogs

last Dead shows I caught, a few heads I ran into warned me not to even drive through Utah with a Dead sticker in the window unless you're looking for a real hassle... the Mormons aren't big partiers I take it

Edited by Guest

I just had to know more,since buddies story painted a pretty bias picture,claiming there was permits,although no record of which has ended up in one newspaper or been verified.Just seemed strange to not produce this right off the hop to newspapers if that was the case.

I don't really trust Canadian law enforcement as well as American myself,but then again,I don't find drunk 15 yr olds,17 yr olds ODin & weapons (gun according to CNN,but who knows) at a festy to be a goodtime...but then again thats just me.Guess I'm getting old.LOL


Utah has big mountains that are snowy most of the year, and the best powder anywhere in the world.

I propose we move the terrain of Utah to Ottawa. We could call it 'Utahtawa'


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