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Strip Clubs Spray Air With Sex Drug - Men Spend More Money


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While strip clubs have not traditionally been known for their high ethical standards, they've recently reached new lows -- some have begun spraying the air with a sex drug to make customers spend more money!

"Our profits have tripled since we started the spraying," reveals Angelo Farfalle, 47, manager of Pink Heaven Gentlemen's Club, just outside Vancouver. "It makes work easier for the strippers, too."

One of Pink Heaven's strippers, Tasty Vixen, clearly agrees: "Anytime we see a guy with his flesh missile ready to fire, the dude is motivated to spend money and to tip big, especially for a lap dance."

Most of the male customers have responded positively to the sex drug spraying. Says one: "That club really knows how to bring my fire-breathing dragon to life -- which, after all, is why we come here!" Although another customer adds, "I had a hell of a time trying to explain to my wife why I came home from a 'late office meeting' fully aroused for two hours."

To reinforce the effect, Pink Heaven's bartenders are spiking the drinks, and all the seat cushions have tiny time-release bubbles on them, which are propelled through clothing and onto the skin whenever a customer sits down.

"These guys are getting revved up from every possible angle and orifice," chuckles Farfalle. "They might as well just hand us their wallets when they walk through the door."


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spelling mistake in title
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"It makes work easier for the strippers, too."

is there such a thing as a hard-working stripper? how many of them can dance and get into it like a prince concert from the 80's/early 90's?

i don't think the answer is sex drugs it's getting the strippers to not looked cracked out and teaching them how to dance and seem like they really know how to fuck rather than just looking like they fuck a lot.

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"It makes work easier for the strippers, too."

is there such a thing as a hard-working stripper? how many of them can dance and get into it like a prince concert from the 80's/early 90's?

i don't think the answer is sex drugs it's getting the strippers to not looked cracked out and teaching them how to dance and seem like they really know how to fuck rather than just looking like they fuck a lot.

Thanks for putting it all in perspective, prick. I actually have more respect for a lousy stripper than I do for one more passed-out wook moving to Vancouver.


Seriously though, Do you use the Preview button often?

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Gateaux.... you've got some explaining to do!

No No - Gateaux's not in trouble. He's a good one! Besides, I like the female strippers too :blush:

I just know a lot of men that lie to their ladies. Men should realize it just makes the lady feel worse if she finds out later. Women have enough insecurities as it is.

1. Honey I'm going to the strippers with some buddies.....

a)woman might be a little upset but at least there's no deceit, and it gives you an honest chance to talk about it

2. Honey I have a late meeting?

Woman figures it out or hears about it two weeks later...

a)breeds insecurities among woman, i'm not good enough, I don't make my man happy anymore, if he's sneaking around behind my back doing that then what else is he doing?


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I don't really understand the issue here polkaroo. maybe i haven't been to as many strip clubs as you, become an appreciated client like you, or am as pointlessly argumentative as you. yes I regrew my beard - am i passed out? I admit the sofa at 'that place' might give you an opinion about my Wooie Quotient and how I can pass out, but you've seriously missed the mark on this one a-hole.

What makes me like a prick? expecting people to actually do their job as they should? if it's so damn hard then take some lessons. if you truly hate it then quit. if you can't just quit there are steps to take if you just look into it. there're people out there to help those in the sex industry cope better or get out entirely.

if strippers like their job they should act like it.

What's wrong with me moving to vancouver?? I think you like it a bit more so you have somebody to call a prick that you won't see out at shows or have as much of a direct connection to in your local area.

It's not really worth my time to retort to idiots that don't have anything worthwhile to insult me about, but i really think that this is a silly thing to call me a prick about. I really used to respect a lot of the things you have to say. Now it's apparent to me that other people are way more deserving of my time than you.

Don't be such a fucking dink around here...or at least click 'reply' and use purple font. [color:purple]I hope that is the key to this misunderstanding.

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You can't possibly be serious.

Do you believe that a stripper need only "do their job" or just up and quit? Or take dance lessons?

I'm glad it's that easy. And yes you're right, misunderstanding is certainly part of the issue here. Only it's of an entire degrading industry, and on your part.

You moved to Vancouver out of your own free will, [color:purple]and certainly most strippers are dancing out of their own free will, and not because of absentee fathers, drug addiction, or threats. Now I am using purple font, which denotes extreme sarcasm.

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what the hell are you talking about? i vent my disappointment about lacklustre entertainment, you tell me i'm wrong and for some reason attempt to insult me.

fake or not, my sentiment was that the alleged sex drugs should not be the direction for more business.

it's too bad that those poor shitty strippers have had some bad luck. I've met a lot of people that've been down on hard times and have gotten through it. that's a lousy excuse for a poor performance. doesn't really make me go 'aww you poor thing...' they still got involved in their positions and took the job.

i generally don't care to go to strip clubs all that often. I tend to expect to spend my time better catching live music, going to a movie, or hanging with some buddies and have a barbeque. If I want decent entertainment at a gentleman's club then I really can't afford a night out. I don't have enough interest to give in to a sliding scale.

what's up your poop chute, polkaroo? frustrated that I have high standards for my entertainment or that I think the sex industry should still be here but the girls should have more demands??

if you have anything to say to me do it directly. if you have something to add about this i'd like to be able to read on.

I've said enough. sorry if this has annoyed anybody reading this initially amusing thread straight from the weekly world news. thanks for pointing that out, fairysari.

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I really have no input about that obviously silly story come on,seriously..sex drugs in the air?...laughable at best

it's too bad that those poor shitty strippers have had some bad luck. I've met a lot of people that've been down on hard times and have gotten through it. that's a lousy excuse for a poor performance. doesn't really make me go 'aww you poor thing...' they still got involved in their positions and took the job.

[color:purple]Yep,they did Rob,glad you know exactly why they did also.Must make it very easy to pass judgements & generalize.

Personally,I know one girl(31,single) with a child going to McMaster now after 13 years out of school.She took a job stripping purely to get the money needed to go through school,pay rent,support her kid, having no one else to help financially.It is better money then she'll make anywhere else currently,managable hours & lots of time for school.

Guess she should of just got through her hard time by working for minimum wage,long hours to make those ends meet & renting a ratty one bedroom apartment for them both eh? Instead of bettering herself with education giving her & her daughter a hope of a better,normal life when its done.Oh & she doesn't smoke crack (or do any drugs,nor smoke) either.

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Esau! Thanks for piping up.

That was candid and straight up. I hope she isn't dreading her job and she obviously doesn't need an additive to get through her day.

I wasn't suggesting these girls will quit or get fired or be made to take lessons, but i figured that better dancers could get better gigs. if that's not the case then I guess the sex entertainment industry must be a lot more difficult to break than some other industries.

thanks for that.

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i don't think the answer is sex drugs it's getting the strippers to not looked cracked out and teaching them how to dance and seem like they really know how to fuck rather than just looking like they fuck a lot.

"Cam" (I know that is not really your name but that's what I plan to keep calling you), I can't believe that you wrote this.

Have you been to a strip club in Vancouver? We have some of the best strippers in Canada. Most of them are unionized and not necessarily drug addicts. (But who are we to judge them about drug use, anyway?)

Do you know that stripping is one of the highest paid professions for females? They make more money than a lot of professionals I know, and are not paying back student loans. Also, most of the ones that I have known work out almost every day so that they're not dancing around with a pot belly or flabby ass.

As for looking like "they fuck a lot"; you must explain this look to me. I would think that it would put a post-euphoric "perma-grin" on your face, rather than making you look like a cracked-out, hardened drug-addict.

Now with all this said, would this be my profession of choice? Certainly not. I am fortunate that I am doing a job that I love. Stripping is probably not the first choice for most of these women either, but I don't judge them for it. How many people are actually doing the job that they really want to do? (I think that many people work at jobs just to pay the bills and get by in life a little easier.)

I suggest you go to "Brandi's" and get some perspective. ;):P

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Lassie - you're great. Thanks for taking me seriously about all of this. think of what I say as more of a flavour than a whole dish...

You're probably right...but still a night out with strippers isn't really in my budget but when it is I'll be sure to hit up lassies'.

I guess I could've been more tactful with some of the things I've written here and elsewhere in the past. I was in a hurry to get that post done...

There are a lot of people trying to get the trash out of the profession. I hope it continues to move forward. I look forward to having my opinions and conceptions change on this subject.

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thank you for not filing a motion against me.

but if i could afford a night out with strippers i'd probably go to whistler instead...so on at least one level that mistake was no mistake. I'd say a day on the slopes would be about as much as a night out with strippers...unless you REALLY REALLY REALLY love to ski. i'm glad this thread isn't about hookers.

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