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Boys Names


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Ok so i'm supposedly having a boy in a couple of months. I dont have a name. I dont like any of them for my own... I have a Jake already and a last name starting with W.

I'm not so into the new Hunters and Liams...

Anybody have any suggestions?

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Well ... I'm resisting suggesting the name that may actually be reserved for the future StoneMtn Jr. (I can't believe Lassie went for it) but...



(We'll have to see how flexible Lassie is on that name when and if the time ever actually comes. I suspect her position may change. :P )

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Aw - Thanks for all the congrats - i thought y'all knew already. :)

I think we are on the same wavelength. though. Quinn is nice (i hadnt though of that one yet) - i also like Flynn - but liking a name and actually calling one in for dinner is sometimes two different things. Not that either of those are that far out there.

My short list so far had been Thomas or Daniel actually - Doug likes Alexander - might end up the middle name. If my last name wasnt whiting i probably woulda just gone for william and called it a day but will whiting isn't doing it for me.

i also liked Jessie but my brother just had a Jessica.

I like all the suggestions though keep em up if you think of any more. We have till mid November hopefully.

I like Hayden too but what does that get shortened to?

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ISTR an old Robin Williams bit about naming children: "It used to be that people chose names from the bible, but I plan on using TV Guide. 'Kojak! Magnum! Get in here, girls!'"

I once asked my parents how they chose my and my brother's names, as there's nobody in either my Mom's or my Dad's families with our first names. "Nowhere in particular, we just liked them."

I do, however, have my Dad's first name as my middle name*, which I like a lot: I carry a bit of his identity with me always, but it's "inside" my name, kind of a core around which I've built my own (independent) identity.



* My brother has our Dad's middle name as his middle name, too.

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I probaby should have mentioned - jacob's middle name is already douglas - after doug. Way ahead of you!

oh i guess now i've given the boys full name on this thread - you're not really suppose to do that eh?

Robin Williams skipped the tv guide and went straight to his nintendo machine i think.

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