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Planning a film night in O-town


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So this winter my friends and I are trying to get organized and host a couple of film nights in Ottawa..nothing too crazy but snacking, drugging, drinking are part of the plan.

So far we've decided to do an Eddie Murphy (The Golden Child, Raw), Bill Murray (Caddyshack, What about Bob) and Chevy Chase (Euro and Family vacation, Fletch) night. I'm probably most excited for the Chevy night.

Would anyone be interested in attending this? BYOB and maybe 3 bucks each, which we'd put to a charitable cause? Also, there's so many others that we could do..Steve Martin came up as did John Candy. Who else has a trio of funny movies from earlier in their career?

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Peter Sellers!!!!!!! Plus, I second the motion on Steve Martin. Might I also suggest A Mighty Wind>Waiting For Guffman>Best In Show>This Is Spinal Tap. I won't even bother to suggest the first three Rocky movies.

Yeah, I'd go to any of them.

But c'mon, Peter Sellers night would be awesome.

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Might I also suggest A Mighty Wind>Waiting For Guffman>Best In Show>This Is Spinal Tap.

So that's two votes for Christopher Guest, although I thought a Mighty Wind was pretty weak. But so was Best in Show. Nothing will top Waiting for Guffman.

I agree about Peter Sellers too.


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A Christoher Guest night might also include "Princess Bride" and some old but gold SNL clips.

I've also got a 16mm projector and we can get old nfb film from Carleton. If anyone's into that we could maybe set up a film night sometime too.

are these still sitting on your kitchen floor? LOL!!! I've been waiiting for this 'evening' for oh -- what -- a couple of months, now.

Let's have you bring the whole kit'n'kaboodle to the housewarming, okay -- surely we can get it up and running then!!!!

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Hmmm...and old film projector...maybe we could get a multi-room loft space somewhere, set the projector up in one room running whatever, along with a band, and/or a DJ in another room, have some art "installations", make it interactive (so the audience could actually help create what was going on)...sort of an ersatz acid test. I'd bet Inglewood Jack would love to be a part of something like that.

Edit to add: nero did something like that back in 2004; read Velvet's log of the event here.



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Awesome idea!!!

Sounds good. Keep me posted.

I've also got a 16mm projector and we can get old nfb film from Carleton. If anyone's into that we could maybe set up a film night sometime too.

yes!! I was watching a special on Ryan Larkin and holy shit those short animations bring back vivid childhood memories... it'd be neat to see them in a more adult context.. (ie- HUZZZLED!)

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Peter Sellers is a good idea but for continuity's sake I'm afraid I'd have to go The Party>Pink Pnather II because the first panther is just not that funny IMO.

And I'm leaning more towards pre-90's or at least earlier movies than some of the Christopher Guest movies.

I was thinking that a Terry Gilliam night would be fun, if only so we could all watch Time Bandits and...everyone's favorite...brazil!

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