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classic rock radio kills music.


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i hate classic rock radio immensely.

"hey this is Rcokin' Ricky Rock on K-Rock FM, where we play the same 15 songs over and over again and i make penis jokes. WOOOOOO!*fart noise*"

back to the point, has the radio ruined songs you used to love by overplaying them?

i hate Comfortably Numb now. Rock and Roll and Black Dog can also smoke an asshair joint. theres lots more.

i know i know, "don't listen to those stations" but theres work scenarios.

on the other hand every now and then it totally pays off. one of my favourite memories in recent histroy is driving around in Muskoka late at night with Redd, her sister and her manfriend and Chilliwack came on the radio. we all just sang along and laughed and i loved every fucking minute of it.

its been a while but i remember Psychedelic Psunday on Poo107 having its moments.

end rant.

lets start 15 threads one after the other!

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Nice post and I agree 100%. I mean, classic rock is classic rock, but why don't they EVER change up the tunes? They should play some different bands and those that they do over play, play a different track for christ sake instead of the same one, over and over and over and over and over ....... I know it's some kind of record industry monopoly thing but wouldn't be more cool if it was a conspiracy, a nation wide psychological experiment for workplace people (blue collar and trades) to eliminate independent thought through repetition... ya that's it, don't think and don't ask questions, just keep humming that same tune in your head. Can they get royaties from that?

end rant.

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For the record,I don't disagree that radio plays the same old shit all time,because they do.Hence why I really don't listen to the radio (except for some college radio & CBC) & since I work in construction,I'm not infected with repetitive radio all day long thankfully.

But radio certianly doesn't ruin the music I love.

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I have pretty much completely stopped listening to music on the radio. I do still listen to sports games/talk occasionally, and listen to NPR/talk radio quite a bit. For music, I'll go find shows myself and d/l them. I can't stand 99.99999% of music radio stations in Cleveland. Perhaps thats because I can't stand most of the manufactured/pop/mtv/hip-hop garbage that's coming out. I don't know. I do know I stopped listening to the radio years ago. Except for the oldies station. love me some oldies now and again...


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radio playlists are determined by...you guessed it, marketing people. ask dark_starr about this some time, it frustrates him to no end.

listeners in the radio station's key demographic (young males 18-49 i imagine) are polled about what songs they wouuld like to hear at different times of day. (given the similarity of "classic rock" picks coast to coast, i would guess that they choose from a list). the program director then works from this list to build shows, and playlists are pretty much decided days in advance.

For the record,I don't disagree that radio plays the same old sh!t all time,because they do.Hence why I really don't listen to the radio (except for some college radio & CBC)

what he said :)

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I have no problem with different radio formats. What I do have a problem with is most given radio station's selected daily playlists. Classic rock radio on a whole fails because they play it safe and refuse to educate their listeners through music. Q-107 should play ALL important rock artists from the 60's and 70's, but instead they stick to tried and true bands like Zeppelin and Floyd. The Stooges, James Brown, Funkadelic, The Replacements... why aren't they on classic rock playlists? Andy Frost should go and fuck himself.

Also, classic rock stations should play new music that has clearly been influenced by " classic rock ", but they don't: Phish, Oysterhead, The North Mississippi Allstars, My Morning Jacket, The White Stripes, The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, The Strokes, Ryan Adams, The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Gov't Mule etc... The list is endless.

Similarily, NEW ROCK stations should play music that has influenced bands that they play in heavy rotation - don't just have the DJ's allude to the bands - play the fucking bands too! Why can't listeners hear how much Courtney Love ripped-off Patti Smith? The Replacements, Television, Husker Du, Stiff Little Fingers etc... all should get airplay, at least at night or overnight.

History is intentionally ignored on NEW ROCK formatted stations; likewise the present is ignored on CLASSIC ROCK stations. Sad. Audiences are treated like spoon-fed children. Perhaps they are and like it that way.

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i don't listen to the radio much anymore, but similar to djed i do have a soft spot for the classic rock stations. they remind me of my teenage days, zipping around in my sticker-stickerd reddy-orange rabbit (remember? chatham?) with my friends and acting like morons but having a very merry time of it.

good memories. ah joe walsh. life's been good to me so farrrrrrrrrrrr boop boop boop

edit: RIP little red car, i miss you <3

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ya radio sucks for the most part...91.1 kicks ass especially when driving in traffic and when it is raining it makes everything seem wonderful. But...I am a Q listener most of the time. Yes, they often play the same songs and yes, it drives me crazy. That is when I change the station. I often wish that they would play other songs from 'popular' classic artists. They tend to play the same ones when the bands have written many other good songs. Yes, they also forget to play other great, lesser known bands from that time.

But let me say, that when away from here, you realize what great radio selection we have. When I lived in Calgary I almost died until I got my internet running. The radio out there, for such a large city, sucks sooooooo bad. They have 4 hippity hoppity stations, 1 college station, 1 rock station (plays old and new, still crappy), tonnes of country stations, and a JackFM. The only good station out there is a listener supported station that plays all different sorts of music. Hearing Psychedelic Sunday was like gold out there, seriously.

Now, I am sure you are wondering why I didn't just listen to CD's. Well, I am poor therefore my music collection really isn't that large...so basically I was screwed. YOu can only listen to your CDs so many times in a short amount of time.

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Phish, Oysterhead, The North Mississippi Allstars, My Morning Jacket...Ryan Adams, The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Gov't Mule etc...

That looks like a typical playlist on my radio show, but I play the classic stuff too, and lots of blues.

The way I see it, commercial radio is shit, but I don't expect them not to be shit any more than I expect the latest Hollywood cookie-cutter romantic comedy, or the latest pop group's new album, not to be shit. These are all vehicles to make money, it so happens that Q107 et al are using something that is dear to many of us to make that money. It's shitty, and it pisses me off, but what can you do?

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omg. tell me about shitty radio. from what i can tell, ottawa radio may be the worst of any place i've lived, except for lake louise, which probably only got weather (and even that is probably more interesting than most of the stuff i hear here).

the university stations here are good sometimes, and the classic rock station does have good neil young programs, but otherwise it seems a big empty hole when it comes to good music. and please, otterwatonians, correct me if i'm wrong...

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Other than Psychedelic Sunday, Q-107 blows.

I grew up in Kingston and I listened to Syracuse rock radio from a very young age. I'm glad I had the American radio experience. When I moved to Toronto in 1991, I listened to " The Mighty Q ", but their insistence on playing virtually the same playlists, day to day, month to month and year after year, turned me right off... not to mention bored me to fury.

Smaller Syracuse stations like 104.7 KIX FM and 94 ROCK really tried hard to educate and challenge their listeners with relatively diverse playlists.

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I have no problem with different radio formats. What I do have a problem with is most given radio station's selected daily playlists. Classic rock radio on a whole fails because they play it safe and refuse to educate their listeners through music. Q-107 should play ALL important rock artists from the 60's and 70's, but instead they stick to tried and true bands like Zeppelin and Floyd. The Stooges, James Brown, Funkadelic, The Replacements... why aren't they on classic rock playlists? Andy Frost should go and fuck himself.

Also, classic rock stations should play new music that has clearly been influenced by " classic rock ", but they don't: Phish, Oysterhead, The North Mississippi Allstars, My Morning Jacket, The White Stripes, The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, The Strokes, Ryan Adams, The Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Gov't Mule etc... The list is endless.

Similarily, NEW ROCK stations should play music that has influenced bands that they play in heavy rotation - don't just have the DJ's allude to the bands - play the fucking bands too! Why can't listeners hear how much Courtney Love ripped-off Patti Smith? The Replacements, Television, Husker Du, Stiff Little Fingers etc... all should get airplay, at least at night or overnight.

History is intentionally ignored on NEW ROCK formatted stations; likewise the present is ignored on CLASSIC ROCK stations. Sad. Audiences are treated like spoon-fed children. Perhaps they are and like it that way.

What he said: Stick it on a postcard and mail it to the Pope.

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I grew up listening to Classic Rock. Alot of the bands I becamse infactuated with as a young girl were because I heard a song or two on Q107 and then wanted to hear alot more.

I always hope that the people that many have mentioned (spoon fed music) will do the same as myself and get intersted in new music because of staples played on radio stations.

When i'm feeling nostalgic I always tune into the Q.

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When i'm feeling nostalgic I always tune into the Q.

" Nostalgic " is an interesting term when associated with Classic Rock radio. I'm not sure Classic Rock programmers and DJ's think that Classic Rock is nostalgic music. I think that they see Classic Rock as the BEST kind of music, timeless and far superior to anything produced today.

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What is it though that makes us hate popular music radio? For me, it's that the commercials are louder than the music. Soundman ears. And as for current formatted popular music products, is it me or, is every fu**ing drummer now bashing the livin sh*t out of his cymbals? Seems like someone in the production chain lost all the hi-mid range of their hearing, so they boost it to the front of the mix. Really hard on my nerves. }:(

CBC Radio, and Coast to CoastAM with George Norry. Radio that entertains me, educates me, and forces me to think about things. As soon as they started abusing radio to push products, it just never stopped. And it's getting worse. I'm glad there are alternatives.

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91.1 JAZZ FM

that is all

OK, I gotta pipe up here, in the 2 yrs. I lived in Toronto, 91.1 was in my top 3 listened stations...but it usually sucks balls during the day. EVERY OTHER TRACK THEY PLAY DURING THE DAY FEATURES A XYLOPHONE. And they say the word "jazz" WAY more than rock stations say the word "rock". "Today's jazziest jazz here on the home of jazz, Jazz 91.1". You know its true!

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When i'm feeling nostalgic I always tune into the Q.

" Nostalgic " is an interesting term when associated with Classic Rock radio. I'm not sure Classic Rock programmers and DJ's think that Classic Rock is nostalgic music. I think that they see Classic Rock as the BEST kind of music' date=' timeless and far superior to anything produced today.[/quote']

Just to clear that up I said when "i'm" feeling nostalgic. The younger part of my life I listened to the Q. Some of those overplayed songs hold wonderful memories.

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History is intentionally ignored on NEW ROCK formatted stations; likewise the present is ignored on CLASSIC ROCK stations.

very well put, Jaimoe, thanks for that.

we've all pretty much figured it out -- Classic Rock stations do what they do b/c of $$$$$ and, apparently some demographic out there enjoys the repetiveness, the cock-rock and the cock-jokes. If this isn't annoying enough, I really do agree with DES about the irksome volume and sheer amount of commercials. Before we put a CD player in our car, I could time the commercial breaks at nearly 4-5 minutes when I shifted away from Q. Ah thank God for the CBC (Come baaaaack!)

[except that Monday noon hour garden call in show & Tuesday's small-appliance repair can both die a slow painful death, or to quote djed, smoke an asshair joint.]

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Coming from PEI where there is NO rock radio(Magic 93 or Country...blech) , when I first started to visit Toronto, I couldn't get enough of Q107.....I couldn't beleive I was hearing Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd on the radio! The novelty wore off as time went on, and I found while I lived there, that I had to take breaks from it. I agree with Jaimoe though about the timeless quality of those old songs, and every once in a while, I'll just stop and LISTEN to a song like Black Dog or Comfortably Numb and hear whats going on as if it were the first time I ever heard it.....and enjoy the shit out of it (not very often, but occasionally). I'm partial to Andy Frost because every once in a while on Psychedelic Sunday he'll play "Supper's Ready" by Genesis for the hardcores...(I know what you think about that, Jaimoe! :P )

Just my 2 cents...but let me say that I will always try to make the most of whatever situation I'm in, i.e. try to enjoy whatever I'm being forced to listen to (I even had to listen to The Edge quite a bit at work, thats another whole box of worms).

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