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do you watch TV?


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No TV over here either. I grew up without one, so I don't jones for it like some folks do when they remove it from their life. When you're a kid growing up in a beautiful forest (with 9 people and a daycare in the house) there's no need for a TV. I always had someone to play with and there were all sorts of adventures to be had in the woods. I remember first becoming aware of the tube when friends at school would reference things and I had no idea what they were talking about. Before that I didn't really realize that the majority of the population watched it every day.

I still see some stuff from time to time when I'm over at other people's houses...and my folks have a set as well. I do love the Simpsons, Family Guy etc., but it's better for me to have to go out of my way to watch it. I'll watch the odd DVD, but on the laptop. I don't ever want to own a TV. It makes me restless. I'd much rather crank some tunes and cook or clean or curl up with my cat and a good book (there are so damn many of them).

edit to add: Never in my life have I had cable. I think that's also one reason why I never really got sucked in. It was never available at my house because we were too far away from the city. We still can't even get highspeed internet! :o

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there are a number of specific shows i like to watch, gilmore girls, medium, survivor, so you think you can dance and desperate housewives to name a few. i don't feel bad about it one bit. i don't even have a computer at home, so watching a couple of tv shows is actually less zombie time per day than getting sucked into a computer for hours on end. i also read every single day, and am very active and out of the house a lot.

and it's easy to make tv a social thing, much more so than the internet. (and by social, i mean hanging out with real life people in real life, not talking to them online. ;) )you can have however many people watching tv, but only one person can be on a computer. and tv can bring people together! i often have weekly "dates" with people when an exciting show is on, so thanks to tv, i end up seeing certain people on a much more regular basis than usual. and that's nice. :)

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We have an antenna, DVD and many torrents. We download cable shows such as Curb your enthusiasm and some of the other HBO shows, and on the tube we get about 6 schannels which is good for news, Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.

We housesat for someone who had hundreds of channels and a giant TV. It was wierd that we were able to spend 4 hours scanning stations and zoning out. I like not having cable (did you ever notice that basic cable is ridiculously expensive for what you get?)

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The only thing I don't like about television is it's schedule. It forces you to watch things at times when you may want to be doing other things.

I want to watch a week's worth of television on those weekends where you just wanna be super lazy, or maybe watch that 8 pm show at 10 pm. A PVR would help, but getting the stuff off of torrent sites so I can watch CSI from thursday on Sunday is the way to go.

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I had cable for two years when in college in London. Now I use bunny ears and watch things very fuzzy. I like Millionare and Jeopardy! but only watch them when I remember. A few times a month. I sit at my computer every night for hours. It's really slow so I don't get a whole lot done. I have the tv on but just for company. Often on pbs or something that provides a nice backgroud - animals or something. I usually have music playing at the same volume of the tv too so I can enjoy/ ignore both equally. I sometimes like to watch sitcoms when I eat. Golf provides the perfect sunday afternoon lullaby. Sometimes I watch movies but often go on the computer 3/4 of the way through and kind of watch it but barely because I lose interest and don't care how it ends. Most recently I, Robot was viewed in this manner. I used to hate Raymond, but now, like everbody, love him.

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I watch a lot of tv. I was totally addicted to the Game Show Network until my satalite crapped out. For the 4 weeks after having Kaden, I wasn't able to do anything but lie in bed and watch the tube. I think I've seen the entire first 5 seasons of The Cosby Show now.

Shows I REALLY like are:


Arrested Development


Amazing Race

So You Think You Can Dance (I wish I could be a judge on that show)


Sex in the City (but only on DVD... tv version cuts out all the good stuff)

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Shows I REALLY like are:


I could stop there. CJ and I made a routine of that for the last few years (CTV being in rabbit-ear range of Toronto and all).

I like it now when our friends surprise us with well-informed TV-to-DVD picks. Otherwise, it becomes the challenge of keeping the kids away from the damn thing.

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I can't stand commercials... nothing annoys me more than advertisments be it billboards, pop-ups, webpage ads or tv commercials. Grrrrr... That's why bittorrent is so awesome. Winamp tv is kind of cool, i like the concept but it's still unreliable, poor quality and limited selection. I can't wait for better streaming sites, does anybody know of any others? Bittorrent is getting sketchy these days with certain ips nuking torrents with bad data. I got peerguardian to keep them safe but now that was shut down.

The puck drops this week and I still need to either pay for basic cable or hack into my cable box because the old rabbit ears just won't cut it. It seems everybody I know has free cable out here. Cable internet out west has strick download limits (which blows), my isp has been kind to me so far so that's not an option.

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I should have more heavily qualified, having tooled around on it for a while myself after posting - if you go to the US selection, there's an alarming number of religious stations as well. Still, the music and sports options seem worth following.

I did also take a look at what was on offer at Winamp, and it was pretty disappointing, in terms of finding something worth streaming and then being able to let it stream for long enough without having to come back and fire something else up (i.e., clips). I did, though, find one of my favourite moments from the Stewie (Family Guy) movie - "Be vewwy, verry quiet... I'm hunting wabbits..."

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