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You naughty skank you,



Saturday, October 15th

Miss this, miss BIG!



Pepper Jack's, 38 King William, Hamilton (905)525-6666

19+, $5

Wow, eh? What a band. Here are a few facts you may not know.

They’ve been the most popular band in Whistler for most of their five years

together. Two of the guys now live down in the city, and a similar love has

blossomed there. The SNA’s new album, “Lovenasiumâ€, will be released to the good,

healthy people of Vancouver this May 26th, at Richards on Richards.

Slow Nerve Action has killed three tour vans. Tragically, they love too much.

They tour BC and Alberta regularly, and have gone all the way across Canada four

times. They’ve filled such far-flung places as The Horseshoe and Bovine Sex Club

in Toronto, The Liquordome Halifax, Le Swimming Montreal, CFOX Studios Vancouver,

and the beautiful Roadhouse in Golden. This year for the second time they closed

the World Ski and Snowboard Festival in Whistler. They’ve opened for Choclair and

had Three Days Grace open for them. Their last long tour was a three month, sixty

show marathon to Charlottetown and back. It was the SNA’s third tour in ten

months, all in support of their independent debut album, “The Soap of Beautiful


A few facts about “Soapâ€: It was recorded and mixed in three days. It has sold

over three thousand copies, basically all off the stage and the website.

Countless burned copies are also in circulation, as the whole album has been

freely available at www.slownerveaction.com since its birth. The record has been

played on CBC and CBC Radio Two, CFOX and XFM out of Vancouver, and just about

every campus and community station in the country with at least fifty watts of

power. “TSOBW†reached college charts all over Canada. It was number one for a

while on CIUT FM University of Toronto (the biggest campus station in the

country). It also saw heavy play on Outdoor Life Network, Sportsnet, Whistler

Cable and the Whistler Blackcomb website, and was used in a handful of films.

So now this new album. Lovenasium. It’s ready. It’s way better. It likes you.

It was recorded and mixed over the past year at Mushroom Studios and Lab Monkey

Sound, both in Vancouver, with Shawn Cole. It will be released Canada-wide in

June, and the guys will take it back east in van number four (a mean-looking

maroon one with a trailer) during June and July. Then again in September and


SLOW NERVE ACTION consists of Christopher Berry on vocals, Benson on bass and bass

synth; Josh Gontier plays guitar and sings, Mike Lunt drums and Buddha is


There is currently no word or term for the musical genre Slow Nerve Action play

in. Nary an unpronounceable symbol. It can so far only be expressed in body

language, by a steady tilting and rocking of the pelvis, usually accompanied by a

throwing back and shaking of the speaker’s head, hands running through his or her

hair, eyes closed, mouth open. Sometimes a soiling of the shorts, most often

during the encore. Tell a friend.

But I could go on all day. Now we’re almost out of time, and we never got to

casually converse about some subject of your choice. How rude. Tell you what:

Give me an email or a phone call, and we’ll talk about whatever you want to talk


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The thing is, I have seen them. Back in fall, 2002, I saw them two or three times, and, well, the schtick got a bit old after a while. I felt at the time that they were a "funny once" kind of band, and after I saw them perform "The Accomodator" more than once or twice, I didn't really need to see them do it again.

That said, it's been a couple of years since I've seen them, so it might be time to give them another try.



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The thing is, I have seen them. Back in fall, 2002, I saw them two or three times, and, well, the schtick got a bit old after a while. I felt at the time that they were a "funny once" kind of band, and after I saw them perform "The Accomodator" more than once or twice, I didn't really need to see them do it again.


It's a little juvenile, but if you go with your silly adolescence hat on, or a dildo mounted to your forehead then it could be fun.

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I believe, according to a recent article about them, their now considered "love funk" and not "porn funk". I guess it's kind of like how all the "jambands" don't want to be jambands anymore. Either way they're good times. Chris Berry's probably the best singer in the Canadian jam music scene. I can't wait 'till they get back west and we get to see some more "Duran Duran Duran"!

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if you go with your silly adolescence hat on, or a dildo mounted to your forehead then it could be fun.

I believe the official Slow Nerve Action garb is to wear the dildo on your chin as per their song "The Accommodator". ;)

(If you're lucky, Chris'll be wearing one for the show.)

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