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pet insurance - anyone have it


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My old roomate got a a new puppy with his girlfriend, she was a big time animal lover and got $2500 worth of insurance on the dog, we thought she was nuts. They bring the puppy over to our apt, 2nd day they've had the thing, he goes up to say hi to our old cranky cat BAM! claw to the eyeball, eye juice everywhere, horrible injury. Well thank god she got insurance cause they had to replace the eyeball or something becasue it cost 5 grand but only 2500 after insurance.

so if you got the cash, get insurance...

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Another dog laid $450 of damage to my Weimaraner, Bagheera the other weekend. Insurance would have been handy for sure. As it ended up the owners of the other dog insisted on paying for half. They tried to pay for the whole thing but, as the dogs were merely playing, I woulnd't accept that.

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our Vet told us that Pet Insurance is scammy.

He convinced us that we'd be better off to just put the 50/mth aside in our own accounts rather than to an insurance company. The odds of something happening are low enough that in a few years, we would have the money to pay for whatever comes up just by saving.

His theory is that most of the time, nothing really serious happens and you could have had all that money 10 years later.

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I'm not to sure about pet insurance. I've heard the same thing that Bouche said.

However, the other day "I thought" my cat swallowed a decrative marble, rushed him to the vet's - x-rays, etc $$$$$$$$$.

They found nothing, (and I later found the marble), but if he had swallowed it, it would have been $600 plus to do surgery.

made me think.

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like any insurance, if you feel the risk outweighs the premiums associated, go for it!

like said above, you can always self insure (put money away each month), but who actually does that? Seriously. Its human nature to spend....even when we dont have it (credit cards), so if we 'do' have it, chances are we're not saving it.

anyways, i'm not familiar with pet insurance, but always check for the obvious insurance stuff, such as deducatables, perils insured against (in other words, what can happen to scruffy to get money....)

Sometimes it'll cover everything (all risk), and others will only cover certain events (named perils)

I'd suggest, if you have an animal that is getting older, or is constantly getting into stuff, (essentially is high risk), then sure, i'd say go for the insurance! After all, you can't put a price on piece of mind.

But, the best option is ALWAYS self insurance...if you can, and have the ability, and self control, open up a saving account at the bank, and automatically have 50 bucks (or whatever) come right off the pay check, right into the account....

just think, your dog scruffy lives a happy life, with no problems (our awesome dog ziggy is 10, and has never had a problem, we dont have pet insurance, but also dont self insure), you'll have all that money put aside, collecting interest....kind of a nice thing to wake up to, if you know what i mean.

hope this helps a bit,


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now that your pet is sick, you won't be able to get insurance, or at least to cover that illness. once your pet has been sick, or has a pre-existing condition it's hard to get it.

i've considered getting it for my dog Darius, but after talking with jstsmked1 before he left his job at the pet insurance place, i was less than convinced. however, seeing friends of mine have their pets go through thousands of dollars in surgeries as they get older..well it makes me want to get it. it really just depends on the kind of pet you have and the breed. This is making think i should get some for darius.

i think the most important thing about getting it is that you have to read the plan carefully. just because you have it does't mean the insurance will cover any illness or malady...or cover the entire cost of it.

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the sad thing is seeing a pet get "put down" because of a large bill for surgery.

bouche, would your savings have covered the $5000 from the previous message?

Obviously our vet's half-baked theory wouldnt' cover something that happened that serious early on. So, I would have been faced with a dilemma that would leave me with a painful choice to make.

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I've had the insurance for a few years now. I pay 21.00 a month for both dogs. I feel a sense of security knowing it's there-hell, anything can happen so quick with your pet-then whammo-bill city. I know I wouldn't be able to fork out a lot of money for emergency bills, so this at least will cover up to 500. for most first time illnesses, and I think more depending on the injury. I see it as a good thing. They're your family too, so it's better to be prepared.

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thanks for the info/suggestions. I looked into insurance today and will be signing up and I realzie it won't cover the bills for this trip.

Hopefully I will never have to use it but I'd rather have it and never use it than have to take another 1000 out of my bank account in one shot for one vet bill.

He's still in there too (hasn't quite hit the 1000 dollar mark) but I can pretty much guarantee when we are finished it will be. It was $574 for tests and whatnot today - that doesn't include the $90 hospitalization fee (not sure if we are counting one day or two days there) plus they've given him antibiotics and his white blood cell count is low which isn't conclusive with another issue they found today so more tests are inevidible....

:( Hopefully Mr.Boo will be ok! Don't really care what it costs I'm not complaining really, but rather stating the facts, I just want him healthy. :(

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My parent's dog Meggy Moo is the $10,000 dog.

When she was a puppy, she jumped on my sister's bed and ate a ball of hemp that was on her nightstand. She ended up having surgery to remove the hemp ball that was stuck in her stomach and intestines(it was coming out her bum too). That surgery was $5000.

This year Meggy Moo suddenly became paralyzed on her 8th birthday, turns out she had a compressed disc which was pinching her nerves. Another surgery, another $5000.

Meggy Moo has fully recovered, but my parents bank account has not. Pet insurance would have definately helped soften the blow.

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My parent's dog Meggy Moo is the $10,000 dog.

When she was a puppy, she jumped on my sister's bed and ate a ball of hemp that was on her [color:red]nightstand. She ended up having surgery to remove the hemp ball that was stuck in her stomach and intestines(it was coming out her bum too). That surgery was $5000.

This year Meggy Moo suddenly became paralyzed on her 8th birthday, turns out she had a compressed disc which was pinching her nerves. Another surgery, another $5000.

Meggy Moo has fully recovered, but my parents bank account has not. Pet insurance would have definately helped soften the blow.

yes your pets are so apecial but 10,000 is a bit much i am still complaing over 20,000 to plant two men in the ground as thats all it is

what a trip to barbados, could have had them cremated and took them with me,insurance is no good after they are gone, doesn,t make much sence does it?

question for dr_mouse

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When she was a puppy, she jumped on my sister's bed and ate a ball of hemp that was on her nightstand.

All of the cats and dogs I've come across love 2 things: ice cream and hemp

Seriously, keep the stuff away from the little ones, they go nuts for it. When I worked at a hemp farm we couldn't keep the cats out of the barn. They were always playing in the hemp bales, jumping on the seed bags and even eating the pancake mix. If you have twine laying around, they will try the old poop on a string trick. NOT pretty.

Bring on the chronic kitty jokes... *eye rolling*

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