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I need to lie to my boss Re: interview


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Alright, I have an interview on Tuesday with Spherion for a position that involves me being well dressed (executive style).

Here's the problem....my current boss does not know I'm looking for a new job. And I do not dress up at all for my current position.

Plus I have to leave for probably at least 1 1.2 hours.

I need a good story to tell my boss why i'm dressed up and why I might be a little longer on my lunch hour.

a)i'm meeting with a manager of a hotel to sell my reflexology

b)my boyfriend invited me to a lunch with his staff

I don't know......

any suggestions??

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cantcha just take the whole day off...? that's an easier and simpler lie if you just claim you're unwell.

then you can go shopping pre-interview to calm your nerves and/or go shopping after to reward yourself for a kick-ass interview or make yourself feel better if it sucked. [color:purple]is there any problem shopping can't solve?

in any event [color:blue]GOOD LUCK SUNSHINE!!

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Why can't you tell them the truth? In my expereince I find that employers, good ones, usually won't hold it against you to try and get a new job. Did they really think you would be in this job forever? Especially a job that is not your chosen career. If you are close to them, they should be happy for you.

But you know better. If you have a good personal relationship, I would be honest with them.

If not, I like C J' plan of taking the whole day off and shopping before and after.

And to answer your question CJ.....No, there is nothing shopping can't help with!!! ;)

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hmmm...these are good.

I know I should probably take a 1/2 day off, but there's noone but me to run the office on Tuesday.

The place falls apart without me.

And technically I know it's none of his business but it's kinda like i'm part of their family, cause it's a husband/ wife operation -- and they know me pretty well.

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I say screw them....tell them either give me a huge raise, or i'm looking elsewhere...besides if the place will "fall apart" without you...they need some help...Maybe Railway?

Seriously...If you are looking, I'd let them know, especially if you are friendly with them...better to break their hearts now, rather then with a last minute "I'm giving you my 2 weeks."

Just a note...Not quite sure how Spherion works, but if they get you a job, do they hire you, then contract you out to the other company? Something you may want to look into, re benefits etc...


You should call SPI...They deal with Bell Canada...

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Note that there's a difference between "not telling the truth", and "lying". To lie means to make a statement that you know to be false. You can, however, omit to tell the whole story. This is the "personal time" approach, and it's the one I'd go for. If you get pressed on it, then consider telling them the whole story.



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