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ipod questions....help appreciated


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i've decided to take the plunge and get an ipod but I would like an ipod and the Bose docking system...I checked Bose site and it assures me that the docking system is compatible with the ipod, ipod mini and the ipod nano. But I'm wondering - did I hear the they are discontinuing the ipod mini? I know the nano holds 1000 songs and I'm wondering if I'm just being greedy thinking I should get more...do I really need 1500000000000000 songs? or will 1000 suffice? Thoughts. and is the mini actually being phased out.

Comments/opinions/thoughts much appreciated.

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More is always better,

Once you go iPod, you may never go back, so be prepared to have your entire musical catalogue go digital and in doing so, get as much space as you can. It adds up really quickly. The Nano is almost "novelty" small IMO. I'd go for something with a little more substance. The new generation is sick and while I don't think I'd use the video feature, I'm getting one. The 20 hours of battery life would change everything compared to mine (4 seconds). That being said, spring for something bigger, I think they're phasing out the mini.

It's like a jukebox you get to keep in your pocket.

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What exactly does the Bose docking system give you? If it's just speakers, there are other options; Basher had a set of Logitech (IIRC) speakers with him in Vegas that were less than $100, and they sounded stellar to my ears.



I've decided on Bose because my mother has the little tiny alarm clock size 'Bose wave music system' at home...IMHO it is unbelievable the quality of sound this thing produces. As mentioned its the size of a nightstand alarm clock but the sound/acoustics/quality etc is like you are listing to a surround sound stereo system that's worth 1000's dollars. I've been around some pretty good home stereo systems and this is comparable to all. So I'll probalby go with that...the only thing that is a bit baffling is the ipod docking station is 300 bucks or so and the Wave thing my mom has was like 500 bucks - is the quality the same I'm going to investigate that but I have to think the technology behind Bose is across the board for all their products perhaps the price point is based on the market - its only good for ipod users while the wave is good for anyone and everyone.

anyhoo just wondering really what ipod to spring for. I'm leaning towards the latest new ipod v.s. the nano. The nano is super small but I don't know 1000 songs is that an all night raging party's worth? :P

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I second the Logitec Speakers. Inexpensive and they sound great. We picked up a set about a month ago and really like them.

I have a nano and it's fine for me. I just listen to it when I'm at the gym so I don't need everything I own on it. Bouche on the other hand has a regular ipod which suits him perfectly since he wants an entire collection available for the gym, bus rides, travelling, road trips and hotels.

Think about how you're going to use it. That will dictate the size you need. GO APPLE!!!! ipods rock!

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go for the regular ipod and get the new sexy black model.

tip for your party theme - you can make play lists, so you can put all your party worthy music onto one play list while having your entire collection on the ipod. then you just hit play on the play list. just might want to mix up the order of the songs every once in awhile when you add new ones.

as for your bose issue, go with bose. the reason why it's cheaper than the alarm clock is because you're providing your own music and player. they're just speakers. the reason they're 300 is cause they're bose speakers and bose sound. i've heard the logitech ones brian has and while they are good, the bose are better. specially if you're thinking party. the logitech would play great to a room, but not to your whole house.

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as far as I know, booche and \/\/illy are both looking for referrals. PT them.

I got the logitech speakers for portability. If you want something for a main entertainment system, go BOSE for sure. Unless of course you have a sound system, and then all you need is the cable to plug into your stereo.

The logitech things are great for hotel rooms, bringing your music out to the back yard, a park, camping or anywhere you can't normally have decent sounding music.

I think I just got my last referral for the free iPod and it took me over a month to get 5 complete referrals. Mine will make 3 members on this board that received a free iPod from ipods.freepay.com

If you're going to just go and buy one, I highly recommend the 30 gig iPod with video, or even the largest one. Mind you, that 30 gig one can be had for free if you have the patience and can get 5 referrals.

I just picked up a docking station so I can easily hook plug my ipod into my computer. I'm using my iMac as an entertainment center upstairs at the moment, and it's really amazing how well the iPod integrates with everything.

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i got a 40 gig with a colour screen about 6 months ago and it's GOLD! i didn't realize it at the time, but you can input your album covers so they show up on the screen when a song is playing. it's by no means a necessary feature, but it's REALLY EFFING COOL!!!

i'm all about the ipod. the only thing that hurt was 4 sleepless days/nights of loading cd's to itunes. well worth it though.

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does anyone know about the radio transmitter dealies for the Ipod? a friend has one and when we all get together to hang out, the ipod runs through the stereo to entertain us all. i have heard about a booster kit that would allow you to broadcast a much stronger signal...the current unit has a range of only a couple of feet. it occurs to me that with a more powerful signal one could have a lot of fun in traffic - choose a popular radio frequency and replace the nauseating sounds of CHUM FM with some really angry Jello Biafra and observe the folks in the cars around you :)

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haaaaahahahaha that sounds like a good idea timouse.

sari has one of those dealies and when we tried using it in my car it didn't work that great cause my antenna is at the BACK of the car. and the radio stations there were to choose from were all in the 88.something range i think. i don't think you can "take over" an existing station....how much fun would that be though.

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