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OK So here it is.......

I apologize to everyone who has been sent those email blasts without being asked if they wanted to... I will be abondining the email lists that have been gathered at the shows and probably stolen from this board. I actually do not send them as i don't know wanything about weebsites or that sort of thingy. SO I APOLOGIZE and it will stop....

I must say though, wow, in 1 day that post got 950 some odd views.... Kinda impressive for a non-musical topic but i guess it hits close to home. And ESAU BAKCBACON and whoever else stuck up for me.. Rock on i apprecaite you guys speaking up... some of you have met me at some shows, some of you got fucking trashed backstage on saturday night and that is what honestly brings me the most joy. To answer some question, i read the posts on this board, probably as much as most of you, if not more cause usually you can get rifdiculusly up to date info here not just on jamband shit, we all have TIMMY B to thank for that.. andf from him, almost always accurate.. So yeah sorry for offending and hopefully you guys will still come out to most of my jamband type shows as you are the ones that keep them going............. BASHER you're funny, since jaydawg will be ruinning the soulive gig, we can get wasted on Saturday night after, i think i will introduce the band by walking on stage and asking HOW YA FEEEEEEELING!!!!!!!! hahahahhah see you all this weekend!

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BASHER you're funny, since jaydawg will be ruinning the soulive gig, we can get wasted on Saturday night after, i think i will introduce the band by walking on stage and asking HOW YA FEEEEEEELING!!!!!!!

Yeehaw! That's the kind of promo that makes me want to drive to TorontO! You guys all have it really good in TO, Hamilton, etc. I could not possibly keep up with everything that is happening up there with Marky, Jaydawg, Briguy, KC, ...

Basher....any pricebashing deals on a Toronto-strengthed liver? ;)

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Hey Mark,

You can keep me on your list, I don't mind. I appreciate all the great gigs you've brought to Toronto these past couple of years. Great job my friend.

Thank you for the kind words. I was away from this board for a while this year, but now I hope I'm back to stay.

If you need me to do another interview anybody or review a show don't hesitate to ask. I've got a lot of time on my hands.


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Cheers Marky, please don't remove my esau13 at gmail dot com from your list though, like I said it doesn't bother me getting the emails there, my other email addy is apparently off the list & I appreciate that.

Thanks for bringing the shows to Ontario & keep'er up, I just wish I could attend more of them.

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