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fuÇk Trey, Rescue Me is on in 5 minutes


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UMMM HELLLLLOOOOO...just about to post something about this show as I literally just caught the last 5 mins unintentially because I've been seeing advertisements for this show but haven't really been paying attention. Figured Denis Leary - k its the typical comedy type show...just flicked the channel to the last 5 minutes...just as he finds the kid. I just cried (not just teared up - tears falling!) and all the while I'm thinking Denis Leary or some show he's in is sad enought to jerk tears from me.

Anyway didn't know anything about it...until right now - so then its like a drama type show with some humour???

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Awesome show though, I think I've only missed the first few episodes last season. Usually I like to lurk on your threads about it Booche since talking about TV shows really doesn't interest me too much, but I have to say some episodes have left me feeling rather disturbed afterwards, as well made me laugh my ass off.

Not sure what that says about me though.

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Well, aside from the first two or three episodes from season one I've watched every one (as far as I know). Also, I don't have a big enough drive (its only 7gb, with 2.85 free after apps are on it) on my desktop to download DVDs, as well no DVD burner anyway.

I'll probally just rent the first season to catch what I've missed or wait for the repeats.

I do enjoy the show alot thats for sure.

[edit to add]

This is only season two right? If its not then maybe I did miss season one. I started watching last year.

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This show is like MASH, but on Crack.

Last night proved it with unbelievable laughter over the lump in the junk, torment with the alzheimers, and well that very very heart wrenching ending.

They took me to both extreme's of emotion last night.

WOW! what a fuggin episode! Next week's finale is going to make my head explode.

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This show is like MASH, but on Crack.

Last night proved it with unbelievable laughter over the lump in the junk, torment with the alzheimers, and well that very very heart wrenching ending.

They took me to both extreme's of emotion last night.

WOW! what a fuggin episode! Next week's finale is going to make my head explode.

FINALE! Well I missed the boat on this one!

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Dang, I keep thinking about the amount of GREAT story lines that happened last night.

- Inheritance issues

- Lesbian butch fight

- Introduction of crazy sister

- Renewal of vow planning

- Lumpy nuts

- Alzeimer madness

- Hit and run

How in the world do they fit all of that in a one hour episode and keep it all good? Man this show is great.

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