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New "Pot and Driving" Campaign


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If you can honestly - and, I mean in the depths of your soul honestly - say that after you burn one you're not impaired...

You need better weed.

Regardless of what the legalities of this are, I know goddamned well that if I burn one and drive that my reactions and thinking process are not as effective as when I'm sober. Whether there's a "test" that can show I'm over a legal limit or not.

I have a really hard time believing that anybody's experiences with the weedo are THAT much different from mine that they can HONESTLY claim otherwise.

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I can't beleive people are arguing about this...

DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED IS STUPID...Any kind of impairment...it's as easy as that. dumb dumb dumb.

Whether it's getting high, drinking, talking on the cell phone (guilty), changing the CD (guilty), eating a Big Mac (guilty), shaving, doing make-up, getting a BJ, or simply having a heated conversation...it's all not safe. It all changes your judgement, and changes reaction time. People should drive safe, it's that simple.

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This is all pretty funny....I have been driving for 15 years. I have driven all over North America up and down and across in ALL kinds of weather conditions. I drove as a courior for a year every day all day. I have never had an accident or near accident caused by myself. I drive on weed all the time. I'm an excellent driver. I'm certain I drive better stoned or sober than most drivers out there.

I'm more inclined to get on a high horse about idiot drivers and not strong enough driver testing et than pot heads.

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Jaimoe - how many times have I seen you stumbling out of System Soundbar at 3AM, drunk out of your gourd, muttering under your breath about killing Jeff Martin, then get into your Camero and tear down Richmond blasting C&C Music Factory? How many times!!!!!?

And yes there are arrogant, overconfident female drivers, but there's a reason why male insurance rates are always higher than female.

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Guest Low Roller

Secondtube- You're either trying to play devil's advocate or you're just so stupid that it boggles the mind. Weren't you the one that had his license revoked by the way?

overconfident, arrogant male drivers who think they're gods gift to driving are more dangerous than any impaired driver.

I'd say that the latter are a sub-category of the former. If you think you can drive after any sort of substance that clearly has an effect on you (alcohol, pot, acid, mushrooms, medication that warns of drowsiness, etc...) then you are clearly overconfident and arrogant.

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No way! I disagree in that there are way more sober assholes who think they can drive better than Andretti than stoned assholes who think they can etc...

wait I read that again and you're right..tee hee I'm stoned...and driving !!!

just kdding, I'm not driving

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I'd say that the latter are a sub-category of the former. If you think you can drive after any sort of substance that clearly has an effect on you (alcohol, pot, acid, mushrooms, medication that warns of drowsiness, etc...) then you are clearly overconfident and arrogant.

What about caffeine? It makes me jumpy.

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overconfident' date=' arrogant male drivers who think they're gods gift to driving are more dangerous than any impaired driver.[/quote']

Those are also the ones that roll-out of a nightclub and zoom down city streets three sheets to the wind.

The one sight that affirmed my confidence in police logic (and I'm sure I've mentioned this before in different contexts) was when I went to Pepper Jack's for the first time and saw how the cops would gather and focus on the bozos at the dance club next door and completely ignore the folks burning the dubes right next to them at the PJC.

There is probably something to glean here about the culture and attitudes of pot smokers vs. that of drinkers; I'm not suggesting that driving while high is intrinsically safe or anything (as TF says, if you're not impaired after a joint, there's something wrong with the pot), but I think the aggressive campaign should really be aimed (in terms of resources, etc.) at the sort of aggressive tools that do, in Jaimoe's words, come flying out three sheets to the wind. If I had a buck for every idiot who skims across three lanes doing three times the limit, in all probability with total impunity....

'Course, then again, there's no getting through to some people.

On another note, making off with distributor caps is a great way to prevent someone from driving off anywhere when they shouldn't. Learned that one in high school.

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Here now, here now, lets everybody stop calling each other stupid and continue discussing this. I am going to back up Secondtube a bit by saying that "high" doesn't necessarily mean "impaired", but I realize that this could be a very sensitive subject if anyone has connections to an accident of any sort. I personally find that I zone into the act of driving more when I am high and notice everything around me a bit more; I'm sure people will be outraged by this and shit all over me, but thats my opinion. When I was younger(and stupider, I guess), I drove 1000's of miles on mushrooms while listening to Led Zeppelin; it was a summer hobby. The only 2 fender benders I was ever in happened in Toronto while working as a driver there; one was while talking on a cell phone, the other was while eating and driving. I consider myself a patient and safe driver even if I have smoked a joint. Sorry if I offend anyone by any of this.

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maybe you dont see a difference between driving While Smoking, and Smoking before driving, then driving.

I do. Dont You?

ok, so then to answer your question:

I see a difference. Actually the last time I did such a thing (the latter scenario) was coming back from your place one day and that was one of the hairiest, most disoriented little drives I've ever done, all from a couple of puffs. So, while I am no angel, I really don't see what would be objectionable about the concept of people operating motor vehicles as unimpaired as possible. To make excuses for it seems irresponsible. I mean, yeah I am irresponsible all the time, but if I had gotten into an accident that day coming from your place, I would know in my heart that it was because I was stoned, no excuses, no other explanations. I wouldn't need a study to tell me that.

The relative nature of this board is distressing sometimes. Whether it's driving while high, or doing hard drugs, or even smoking cigarettes, the level of denial and defensiveness is often alarming. Nobody is perfect, I have a few monkeys on my back, but I can't say in my heart of hearts that they are good for me, or at the very least benign.

Steve - I apologize for losing my cool earlier. I will try to keep my contribution to a higher standard.

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Guest Low Roller

Public apology for linking ST's license suspension with this thread. They are unrelated topics.

However I will not apologize for vehemently disagreeing with his opinion.

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maybe you dont see a difference between driving While Smoking' date=' and Smoking before driving, then driving.

I do. Dont You?[/quote']

ok, so then to answer your question:

I see a difference. Actually the last time I did such a thing (the latter scenario) was coming back from your place one day and that was one of the hairiest, most disoriented little drives I've ever done, all from a couple of puffs. So, while I am no angel, I really don't see what would be objectionable about the concept of people operating motor vehicles as unimpaired as possible. To make excuses for it seems irresponsible. I mean, yeah I am irresponsible all the time, but if I had gotten into an accident that day coming from your place, I would know in my heart that it was because I was stoned, no excuses, no other explanations. I wouldn't need a study to tell me that.

The relative nature of this board is distressing sometimes. Whether it's driving while high, or doing hard drugs, or even smoking cigarettes, the level of denial and defensiveness is often alarming. Nobody is perfect, I have a few monkeys on my back, but I can't say in my heart of hearts that they are good for me, or at the very least benign.

Steve - I apologize for losing my cool earlier. I will try to keep my contribution to a higher standard.

Well put MarcO

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