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hangover help

Calamity Jane

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If this doesn't cure ya, it'll knock you out...

- 2 oz dark rum (Mount Gay will do nicely ;) )

- Add to Neo Citran

- Sit your ass down and don't even think about driving ;)

scotch and neo-citran is pretty interesting too.

foul foul foul but a very nice buzz. make sure you're near a couch before you start drinking it :)

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I second/third the sports drink idea, it really does work! They also have this aloe juice here, U can get it at asian food stores..it has little bits of aloe floating in it, it's yummy! it works really well!! If U remember, try to drink some sportsdrink before U go to bed! I did this once and I woke up after being verrry drunken just fine :D

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Well there are a couple things that you can do.

Night of, drink water on occasion and suck on some lemons too. The lemons work on the liver, preventing you from getting sick.

Before you go to bed, take a B-50 complex and 1000mg of Evening Primrose Oil. Alcohol depletes these and taking them before bed really works. I give em to people all the time and now they come asking for them when they know they are probably going to be feeling shitty next day.

Apparently (i haven't tried this yet) if you take 4-6 gms of chlorella before consuming alcohol, it can prevent hangover 96% of the time.

Homepathic Nux Vomica...for sour stomach/nausea (can take in the morning or before bed)

If you smoke alot of cigs when you drink, take 500 - 1000 mg of Vit. C.

For showering in the morning, do some hydrotherapy to get the blood moving and the lymphatic system moving to help flush out toxins. Start with hot for a few minutes, then cold for about 30 seconds, then back to hot and then finish with a cold rinse...This is really refreshing...I do this every day but of course, I am a nut ;)

Tip: women who drink right before menstrating are more likely to get hammered and more nauseated than at any other time in their cycle.

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i TOTALLY second the evening primrose oil, work really well, just take a couple before bed, or during the drinking contest. that is if you cant drink your way out of it.

greens+ would be good with some berries in it, if you arent a puker

still cant get into sucking lemon wedges, but it works, i watched little T go from shmaaaashed to just drunk and sleepy within a few lemon slices

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Tip: women who drink right before menstrating are more likely to get hammered and more nauseated than at any other time in their cycle.

A-ha, I say, A-friggin'-ha!!!!

well, thanks folks for all the fine suggestions (I'm sure you've helped more than just me). In fact, I'm feeeling so downright positive, I'm about ready to forgoe my "never again" moaned promises by this weekend!

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Take 2 ADVIL COLD & SINUS before you crash for the night. Drink lots of oxygenated water or Gatorade prior to crashing as well as the morning after.

Not sure why the ADVIL works, but it seems to do the trick for preventing hangovers for anyone I know who has tried it. Also, the oxygenated water just seems to kick your body into gear better than just plain water.

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