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hangover help

Calamity Jane

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What do you do when you have a killer hangover? Is there one thing you do to try to speed up the recovery process?

I'm pretty much back to normal now (I can blink without feeling pain all the way down to my toenails), but YIKES yesterday was a doozy like I haven't experienced in ages!

(...and on a tangentially related topic...has anyone ever been banned from "That Place"? Am I getting close? Is there an appeal process?)

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I find I don't really/usually suffer from the typical symptoms of a hangover, except that I get really tired (which I suspect is more due to staying out and being active until severalAM), and so what I do is tackle that symptom in the most obvious manner: I sleep. I'll often have a post-show Saturday or Sunday in which I'll get up at 8:00am or so, have breakfast, then go back to bed for an hour or two; after lunch, I'll take another nap (at least a couple of hours). Combine that with water, food, and maybe a shower, and I start to feel more human.



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I don't really party hard anyomre. But there were a few years...oh man. I don't really drink booze (other than Guinness and red wine) anymore, and I deffinitely don't drink my remedy anymore either. I have to say, moving to the West Coast cleaned me up a bit ie. eating and drinking. Here is my fool-proof hangover remedy.

- 1 bottle of "BLUE" Powerade. It has to be blue...no other colour works this well....tested.

- try to pass out for like 20mins

- when you wake from nap, in to the shower

- get dressed, have a coffee and cigarette(or bowl)

- 10 minute walk

- Enjoy the day

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I keep meaning to try the hang over prevention pill. Not sure what it's called but I'm told it can be purchased at the drugstore...apparrently you take it prior to the boozathon and the result is no hangover.

If I ever try it I'll report my results.

now this is the kinda 'magic bullet' I'm talking 'bout!!!! Do your research Juls and report back...I'm so curious as to what this is.

And I also should have stated that I am looking for the 'hangover cure' that doesn't involve the "hair of the dog." (Which, by the way is finally working for me now, on day 2 of this sumbitch hangover). Yesterday's hangover was of the type where the mention of booze, let alone the smell or taste, causes fresh waves of nausea and heaving.

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emer'gen-c >it's a vitamin & mineral supplement that you can get at the natural health stores(and some grocery stores).They're powder packets you add to water..kinda the same idea as power aid except healthy..its super yummy n really helps the body hydrate. on the box its got a guy crawling in the desert..dehydrated,tongue hangin out with a martini glass in his hand,and the caption says "just made it!"lemon lime (tastes like lime-aid) or orange (tastes like tang). these are the only flavors i like..anyway check em out i drink them all the time.

Im also a big believer in the ceasar..but i understand those days when the thought is too much,they are usually best when you wake up still drunk..not when you're mid-swing inta the hangova.

oh and food..lotsa food..if you can eat it,many times per day..if you cant eat really..premium plus saltines,they test the waters nicely.. basically the goal is to sleep right through the hangover or as much of it as you can,and of course hydrate!!!wow,did i say all that?

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Chaser plus is the anti hangover pill you guys are thinking about. It works, but only if you drink in moderation. So in other words it really doesn't work.

moderation...shmoderation...shit there goes my hopes and dreams...haha...

Calamity...btw...hilarious to hear 'HOWLER' being called out at the truck stop....took me off gaurd...not that I was 'on guard' but ya know what I mean. Your girl is beautifull. Casia..is that her name?

Moosey was up for the drag race home...while I was up for getting us home...tired bones.

I must agree w/hula gal on the lotsa food plus I like to CHUG chocolate soya milk...but not w/ceasars!

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Calamity...btw...hilarious to hear 'HOWLER' being called out at the truck stop....took me off gaurd...not that I was 'on guard' but ya know what I mean. Your girl is beautifull. Casia..is that her name?

Moosey was up for the drag race home...while I was up for getting us home...tired bones.

yeah -- what a flukey-fun meet-up. Took me aback too, somewhat, and so "Howler" was the first thing outta my mouth. And I meant to say again...what a strong chicka you is....lifting me offa my feet like that at Sharon Jones....not a claim to fame many have!

Cassia is such a hoot of a kid --- we be a-dancing right now to the DD show in Ottawa from last winter.



That's what I keep saying.

ummm....that's okay honey, you don't have to bring me "water" to drink......

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HAHAHA...yup I'm a lifter...got missy Kayte star too that night...lol...at least I wasn't biting yas!...gotta curb the love bites :blush: my hearts on my sleeve..when I feel it I feel it...glad I didn't luv bite ya....I don't actually recall liftin ya...haha but Kayte I allready sent pms to hoping she didn't mind..haha and Mary Mary got pms for love bites...doh....lol...too funny...(i hope!)

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I seem to remember that Vitathion was a very good source of anti-hangoverness back in the college days.

Seriously, it performed magic

A friend of yours or Andre was in the vitamin business and used to bring a lot of it for you guys didn't he and yes it worked.

Not sure if you can buy it in health food stores though.

Another remedy is B-50 vitamins!Take it before you drink or soon after.

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