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Well, here we go again. Our union presented us with the latest proposal from the city and many of the union members are not happy. We vote on Wednesday/Thursday on this latest tentative deal. I can tell you it may be really close. Despite what you may hear in the news, the biggest sticking point is our sick days. The city has decided they only what to provide us with 6 a year, where we previously had 12. There are some other issues with the sick days that could hurt us in the long run. If our 6 days are used up in one year we would be required to show doctors notes for sick days off in the following 2 years.

Example...say I sprained my wrist after falling on some ice and was unable to work. My doctor says I need to take 6 days off. Now for the next two years I must provide a doctors note for each time I am off sick.

Anyways, just wanted to clear up anything you may hear in the news over the next couple of days.

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Well here's the thing. Our membership was not happy with the fact the union never upped the current job action to add cutting all of the overtime which would have put more pressure on the city. The no uniforms was a pretty useless campaign. There were alot of rumours swirling about some fishy negotiating but I won't get into that. We were told when we first walked in there yesterday that if we voted NO we were voting for a strike to begin on Friday. However, after the members showed thier displeasure with this contract, our Executive Negotiating team started changing thier tune. We have asked for them to cut all overtime before we go on a full fledged strike. If things don't get solved in the New Year, that's when we'd prefer to go on strike, it'll have more of an impact then.

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EXACTLY!!! but seriously. 6 days...cmon, every other city department gets 12 before the doctor's note BS!

Pretty sweet. And you don't need doctor's notes either.

I work private sector, non-union. You guys have it really good.

edit. and as a taxpayer i pay your salaries. go figure.


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Everyday I am in a confined place with about 50-60 strangers, coughing, sneezing, spreading virus's everywhere. Now I am not comparing us to hospital workers, but they are entitled to many more days than us, I assume simply due to the fact that they face disease on a daily basis.

Think about it this way, do you really want someone that's not 100% well to drive you and 100 people hurtling down the Queensway at 100km/h. How many times have you had a wicked cold, gone to work, thought to yourself "man what am I doing here, I can't function," then gone to the doctors and paid the $15 for a doctors note, all for just needing some rest. I can't even remember wanting to leave my house with a cold just to get a doctor's note.

I know I am getting a bit defensive here, but man, everybody hopes for a great work environment, everybody hopes to be happy at work, all we are asking for is an extra 6 days, (that we pay a percentage for with our benifits package) so we can feel OK about taking a day off if we don't feel 100%

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I'm just having a bad day. Stress over this, and Christmas all wrapped into one really sucks. Everyone was in a good place last Saturday when they announced a deal had been reached, only to find out the only things that they came up with was 3% instead of 2.8%, light rail work will be unionized, after 15 years, and $50 more for eye glass benefits. Don't know how it took nearly 3 weeks to come up with that. We are just upset.

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I'm just having a bad day. Stress over this, and Christmas all wrapped into one really sucks. Everyone was in a good place last Saturday when they announced a deal had been reached, only to find out the only things that they came up with was 3% instead of 2.8%, light rail work will be unionized, after 15 years, and $50 more for eye glass benefits. Don't know how it took nearly 3 weeks to come up with that. We are just upset.

Who's your union negotiator? Bob Goodenow?

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I support you dinghy! Even though I'm in the government my status doesn't give me sick days. It sucks having to take a day oof without pay because you can't perform your job function, a double whammy. 12 sick days a year, especially in light of your comparison to hospital workers, seems fair.

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By the way, just 'cuz I find it weird doesn't mean I wouldn't be fighting for free days off if I could.

If you make it through the whole year without getting sick, what happens to those six days?

In the government you accumulate sick days. My manager has 9 months of sick days!! I think in most cases like this they get put towards early retirement.

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