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WHere's Hux when ya need him


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Perhaps the reason you haven't heard any loony comments is because they're not loony?

There's abstract logical merit there, but really.... We're too close to people like Cheryl Gallant up here in the Valley not to notice the loony factor. I do suspect there's something like a gag order in play for the next few weeks.

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to judge or stereotype a party who is struggling to find an identity and in it's infancy hasn't been able to accomplish anything is wrong.

but as an option on my ballot sheet' date=' I am obligated to make a judgment. Particularly since their policy proposals are hardly mysteries. The goal for some is to make sure they do not have the opportunity to accomplish anything and for someone like me that's not partisan politics or close-mindedness. It's a serious clash of values.

Harper has done well in this campaign and he deserves a great deal of credit. However, he also hasn't had to deal with any loony comments from his party members, they have been effectively docile and complacent in this run. And their relative silence makes me nervous.


the option on your ballet sheet 9.99999999999999 times out of 10 is not stephen harper.

and by all means go ahead and judge, i can't stop you. but don't judge on face value. the liberals request that of canadians and the conservatives do too.

what makes you think I am making a judgment on "face value"?

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tooly, unfortunately voting green isn't fucking anyone but yourselves (even if you believe in the green's practices, like i do).

Instead, the only way to 'fuck the conservatives' would be to vote Liberal.

Last time i voted NDP, and would again, except the Lib's are in SeRiOuS trouble, and need every vote they can get....

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Go Green!

this is the first election where jim harris has been able to articulate a full platform of ideas, and every time i've heard him speak he's been brilliant.

the greens have been gaining support, and with funding tied to votes received, i will happily vote green. they may not get there this time, but if they pick up more support and more funding that will enable them to present their ideas to a wider audience, well, you get the idea.

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Hmmmm...Hux, I hope you get some time to check this out.

I'm a big fan the blog The Adventures of [color:red]ACCORDION GUY in the 21st Century. (We also overlapped a couple of years in university, and knew each other.)

His latest entry and this one from a couple of days earlier deal with a Liberal candidate who appears to be in the pockets of the big copyright holders. It's an interesting read; if I lived in her riding, I'd at least be asking from very pointed questions...



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