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Man Solves Rubik's Cube in 11.13 Seconds


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I like to sing a certain song about the Rubik's Cube. Sometimes as a duet with Becky.

Also, I heard The Sloth was good at the cube. Is this true? Maybe we could tour together.

I like that Rubik's Cube song. First time I heard it was when you sang it last outting.

Sloth/Backbacon Tour sounds unstoppable.

this is me: :grin: front row, centre!

you and PP better practice up for my request at the FUNdraiser...I never heard the duet version before!!!

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jim rome:

Apparently not wanting to be outdone by that freak that recited pi to 4400 digits, Cal Tech student, Leyan Lo, broke to world record for the Rubik's Cube. He soled the puzzle in 11.13 seconds. Lo is a member of the Cal Tech Rubik's Cube club. Of course he is. He shattered the record of 11.75 seconds set by Frenchman Jean Pons at the Dutch Open last year.

Hold on a second. They have a competition for the Rubik's Cube? What is this, 1983? Are they wearing parachute pants and break dancing while they are doing the cube? And despite setting the new world record, Lo didn't win the competition. Because as we all know, dork cube spinning is a best of five format, not a one and done. His three best times didn't beat that of fellow spinner Shotaro "Macky" Makisumi, a 15-year old from Pasadena.

Look, I wouldn't go as far as saying that I am impressed with a geek solving that cube in 11 seconds, but if I gave you 11 years, could you even do it?

And I have a few questions regarding the rules of these "competitions". Can they grease their cube? Can they load it up on Vaseline or is that a violation of cube spinning?

Here's one thing you can't take away from Lo. The guy is a 2-time world record holder. Not only does he have the record in cube spinning, but he also holds the title for, the "longest stretch without ever having spoken to a woman'. These two titles typically go hand in hand.

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