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Muzo and the Breakfast last nite!!!

afro poppa

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Well there weren't too many ppl but the Breakfast absolutely ripped it last nite, standing in front of Tim Palmeiri (sp?) just groovin all nite long was a blast!! Glad to see them put on a good show even with the crowd not that big.

And Muzo to start off was great as always, I think they are playing a show on Feb 25?? Should be good...

Good to see Baj out there and nice meeting Cowboy, its always fun when I see people from the board out at shows!

BTW, the Lady Maddona cover was amazing, never seen anyone jam that tune like that!!

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too bad no one showed up to these shows, i doubt we'll see these boys up here again or in the near future at least. but what can i say, i didn't go either.

i suppose things like this present a bit of an issue. do you go to see the american bands that come up here even though they don't really make you lose your shit to support foreign acts so that more will come OR do you let your taste decide what you will and won't see. dilemas dilemas

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He may put it online... I'll get in touch w/him.

I was there, but left before the Breakfast because I just wasn't feelin' it. Had to drive home and was tired. Muzo are sure talented musicians (always a fan of Ben on the drums), but boy, their singer cannot sing. It ruined their music for me, almost taking away from its intentions. The musicians were fantastic and they obviously know what they are doing, but what is it with bands in our scene and just singing for the sake of singing. Learn how to, then sing.

okie, my diatribe is over. I still had a good time. Wonderful to see Dave and Will and Eric and POG!

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Good times; decent show. The Breakfast played a well though I must say. Glad I got to meet a few more of you ladies and gents. StonedPhillips, sorry I had no idea what you were talking about regarding the Disco Bicsuits discs that apparently I was supposed to attend a Fat Cats show to get from you. It's the thought that counts though. Thanks. Basher, you can't bash me a better parking spot than that can you? You've been out-bashed for Rockstar Parking.

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