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tigger's 40th birthday party ...

mark tonin

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math was never my strong point.

Even after a few days, the MarcO avatar is freaking me out.

Here's another math problem to solve:

Let X represent the number of people that show up to party on Friday night at the Boathouse.

Let Y represent the capacity of the Boathouse.

If X > Y, solve the equation.

On a Tigger-related note, I first met Scot at the May 2001 Come Together Music Fest. A few weeks later, Fat Cats were playing in Waterloo, at Time Square I think. There was this guy at the show that kept staring at me, and I kept staring back ... I knew this guy from somewhere, but I wasn't sure where from ... finally we pieced together that we had met up at Frontier Town, and realized that we now lived in the same town. It was the start of a close friendship, filled with many road trips to shows and lots of laughs.

Almost five years later, it warms my heart to be a part of Scot's 40th birthday party celebration at The Boathouse. I look forward to the celebration, in honour of a close friend with a huge amount of positive party energy.

Peace, Mark

P.S. For the mathematically challenged, here is the solution to above equation: Get there early. :);)

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