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Where can I find live video of Supertramp?


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First, of course this request is not for me. That said, someone has asked me to find him some live footage of Supertramp in concert.

Does anyone here know of a link to such footage? Alternatively, does someone have a DVD (or a few) they could burn and set me up with?

(I always repay such kindness.)

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I know you are the go-to guy for videos, Jaimoe, and I also know you'd get into some hot water if you started copying that stuff.

I appreciate the thought, but I wouldn't even ask for you to do that.

I'll check out youtube.com later on at home. I'm definitely hoping to find some good bootleg material.

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HAHAHAHA Joey Supertramp is my favourite member of the group.

Crime of the Century is a wicked record. I got it for Hannukah when I was 10 along with Fleetwood Mac's Rumours. Asylum, man.


I'll agree with you though, StoneMtn, I can't stomach the latter-day radio hits with the obnoxious vocals like Illogical and whatever else they play on the radio. I don't even like Dreamer from Crime of the Century. I don't know which of the guys it is, but one of them has a way whiney voice.

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I dig some Supertramp. I'm a sucker for a fat slice of pop goodness like "It's Raining Again" and "Take The Long Way Home".

"Cannonball" is a really kickin' tune from an undderrated Supertramp album, too ("Brother Where You Bound?").

Who said bands put together my a management company couldn't be any good?

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I took no offense, and I also hope I didn't offend any Supertramp fans. They are certainly not the only huge band I dislike, and it doesn't surprise me they have fans on this board.

If anything, I apologize for my use of the term "of course". (I still don't like that "Joey" guy's voice, though. ;) )

And ... punk ... ooooooh wait until I get my hands on you ... time to open up that can of whoopass!

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Dude Rev, the Logical Song is awesome. Me and my friend used to sing that everyday when we were kids. Even in the Quietest Moments is my favourite. I was always so stoked when a commercial for W5 came on. My mom took me to see Supertramp at Landsdowne Park sometime in the early '80s. The Payolas opened. The guy next to me was drinking old-school Coca-Cola that came in a milk carton. I bet he had snoots in there. A female friend dated Roger Hodgson for a few months a couple of years ago. She would call me for relationship advice and I was amused by the tiny power I wielded over Roger's love life.

That's my Supertramp story.

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My mom took me to see Supertramp at Landsdowne Park sometime in the early '80s. The Payolas opened. The guy next to me was drinking old-school Coca-Cola that came in a milk carton. I bet he had snoots in there. A female friend dated Roger Hodgson for a few months a couple of years ago. She would call me for relationship advice and I was amused by the tiny power I wielded over Roger's love life.


Isaw Supertramp on the Brother Where You Bound tour, but was fortunate enough to catch Roger Hodgeson with Ringo Starr in 2001.

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