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I love old I Mother Earth, and I don't care who knows it


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So I've been told that I Mother Earth's first album, Dig

, is the one I'd dig the most (heh). I've actually never really heard it, except for the couple singles.

c261323pwga.jpg I did, however, buy, listen to and love their second one Scenery and Fish

when it came out. I was in junior high. I went to see them on one of a four night stand on a double bill with Moist at the Warehouse in 1997 after that one came out. I heard Another Sunday playing on a radio yesterday and went home to find this disc and pull it out. Haven't listened to it in ages, but goddamn is it good!

For fans of progressive rock, who aren't afraid to dig something a little poppier. I hear shades of moe. in these guys for sure. I threw two tracks from Scenery and Fish onto my webspace for your enjoyment if you haven't heard the album, or haven't heard it in a while:

Like a Girl

Songburst and Delerium

From Allmusic:

"Toronto quartet I Mother Earth is a modern update combining a wide range of influences, including jazz fusion, funk, and progressive rock. Add a pinch of Canadian counterparts Rush and dashes of artists as disparate as Santana and King Crimson, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Primus, and Jane's Addiction and Smashing Pumpkins, and you're bordering on I Mother Earth's expansive collage of styles."

Yes, I have too much time on my hands. I hope somebody enjoys those tunes.

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I'm with you on this too. I saw IME a bunch of times back when they were still playing small bars in Kingston. They used to really stretch things out and did an old Santana cover or too. Edwin, however, always was a hack.

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I actually don't dislike the post Edwin IME.

I'll be honest, I haven't heard Blue Green Orange, aside from the first single. I thought it was ok, but obviously it didn't convince me to buy the album. I actually caught IME a second time at Club 279 on the eve of the release of their last one, Quicksilver Meat Dream. It was a free radio station type gig. They were...ok. Seeing that first show so long ago and buying Scenery were both huge influences on my drumming, I thought (and still think) that Christian Tanna is awesome. He was also great at 279, but everything else was kind of average. I don't think they're really playing anymore, but when they were, they were still touring with the same percussionist who had been with them since the beginning. And of the little I have heard of Quicksilver Meat Dream, it's not that good.

However, I rank Edwin 3rd in my top 3 most hated Canadian musicians, barley edged out for 2nd place by Raine Maida.

Hahaha! I hear you on the Maida. Who tops your list Jaimoe?

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Rain's little brother was one of my campers when I worked at summer camp. I used to sing OLP songs at him all the time in the most nasaly of voices I could muster. He was a good kid though, laughed with me. When his mom came to pick him up I overheard him say, "That's John, he's my counsellor," and she replied, "Oh, is he a fan of your brothers?"

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Hahaha! I hear you on the Maida. Who tops your list Jaimoe?

#1 is The Tea Party and specifically Jeff Martin. Thankfully their break-up hasn't altered my list too much: Jeff can remain atop my list, but this time he's alone at #1.

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Ahhhh, I Mother Earth. I used to see these guys all the time before they got popular (and after really).

The best was seeing them at a bar in barrie ontario (I forget the name and it's closed now) whenever they came through as well as at molson park many times. I watched tea party at that forementioned bar several times as well before they got popular (and a bunch of other good bands from the 90's).

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