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Russia has cut ties with the outside world.

I've been trying to send a fax to St. Petersburg for 13 hours now and I just called the operator for help. She couldn't get through to any line...She couldn't even get the Russian operator on the line! I was told by my surprised-sounding operator that phone communique with Russia is currently impossible, whereas she says it is usually (formerly?) no trouble at all to call/fax Russia.

Is the sky falling?

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I have a colleague who's Russian, and asked him if he knew of any problems; he didn't. He uses an alternate provider for calls to Russia (he phones a # in Toronto, which then connects him over their own network), and he successfully called St. Petersburg while I was standing there waiting. The service he uses doesn't handle faxes, though.



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Well, I think the difficulties I've been having may have been fortuitous. I just got an email regarding the Rolling Stones...They've had to reschedule their European tour, including a date in St. Petersburg. The new dates will be announced soon so maybe I'll have to adjust my arrival date anyway!

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