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If I was to set up my reflexology table between 1:00 & 3:00 would people be interested in getting a 15/20 min sesssion for $10 or $15?

If I see some interest....I might just set up for a couple of hours.

(now that my hand is finally in better shape, I've started doing sessions again).


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Hope you all are ready, because its looks like its going to be a great day!!!

Tickets are selling fast and we predict a sell out this year for sure. So if you haven't aleady gotten your ticket, I would highly recommend stopping by the house this week sometime to grab what you need. Would hate to turn people away on Saturday who have been here before, so git off yer asses and git over here and get a ticket today!

It has come to my attention that the CanadaDayBash2006@hotmail.com email addy is bouncing back email and I can't figure out why this is. So if you have emails bouncing back try email me at this address instead ts.turner@gmail.com

Food Update!!

We have secured the Ottawa U's famous Johnny's Pizza to feed our drunken asses this year. They will be set up in the yard from 3:30pm until say 7pm, and yes there will be a veggie choice for sure.

Music Update:

It has been announced before but since there names are not on the ticket I remind everyone that Dave Lauzon and a band called Acres are both on the bill.

Other Stuff Update:

My good friend and ex roommate Lisa will have her Reflexology table set up in a corner of the yard and we'll be doing glorious foot massage for a small but completely worth it fee. If you've never had a session before give it a try you will love it!!


Since this is a booze themed event we need everyone to be of legal age to be able to come in. We figure this won't be a problem and we won't be carding but bring your ID anyway, just another one of those little things that's keeps this party nice and legal and not shut down.

So there it is, we're all ready to go. Can't wait for Saturday hope you guys got your drinkin' shoes on!!!


PS - Come but tickets early!!! No guarantees we will tickets at the door. Come by this week and grab some!!!!


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Tables (plastic lawn furninture tables prefered) but we will take anything, if you have one you wouldn't mind lending for the day it would be greatly appreciated. It will be return in perfect condition or replaced.

Xmas Lights/Paio laterns/Decorations

Large Water Jugs

Volunteers - Might need a few more people to help out day of. Don't worry you can still get drunk as shit. Just might need some folks to work either the door or taps or just keep a eye on the water/porttapotties or be security types

email me if interested ts.turner@gmail.com

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Volunteers - Might need a few more people to help out day of. Don't worry you can still get drunk as shit. Just might need some folks to ..... be security types

do I qualify?

you can put me to work the day of, Trev, doing anything that needs doing...but I won't be drinking this year, so perhaps I wouldn't make the best belligerent and surly Security Chicka afterall!

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I won't be drinking this year, so perhaps I wouldn't make the best belligerent and surly Security Chicka afterall!

You vastly underestimate and belittle your profoundly strong abilities, lady. I firmly believe you capable of delivering the best belligerence and Secuirty Chickality, regardless of your level of sobriety.



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Tables (plastic lawn furninture tables prefered) but we will take anything, if you have one you wouldn't mind lending for the day it would be greatly appreciated. It will be return in perfect condition or replaced.

Xmas Lights/Paio laterns/Decorations

I have a table if you want it. I'm not sure how sturdy it is since I've never moved it (it was in my room when I moved in) but it's about 6' (maybe a bit longer) x 3.5' x 3' (well, that's my rough estimate). I also don't care if it gets broken or burned or anything else. To my knowledge it doesn't easily come apart but then a screwdriver fixes most such things. What I don't have is a way to get it anywhere so if you want it and have wheels, let me know. I might also have some lights, etc. I'm free as of 4pm friday.

[edit]WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!![/edit]

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sounds like there's going to be a table burnin happenin at some point.

yeeee haaaawww!

(steer slear of the burning varnish fumes though, folks)

I'm game if folks want to burn my table. It's been taking up a large chunk of my room since I moved in and that space should be taken up by my guitars but I've had no way to get rid of it (you can freely read and interpret that as "I'm too lazy to get rid of it").

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