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What's The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Done?


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this one is easy for me:

swearing at the border officers on my way down to Mountain Jam is easily the stupidest thing ive ever done.

A close second is thinking I could handle eating a half ounce of zoomers...now that was an awful awful day.

So now you swore at the border guards? the true be told!

Uhhh...I cant think too far back, but the most recent event was not winning jon lords leslie on ebay. it was cheap cheap cheap and I didn't realize i wasn't logged in for my last second bid. This after getting NO sleep the night before and doing no exam prep the entire day of.

Second would be not reconizing the love givin' to me from someone very dear to me in the past.

this too.

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k I have to really think about this...hah if it were only that hard to find something stupid...here's one though...

pulling up to the border, the guard asks, "citizenship?"

"no sir! campin' trip!"

"Where were you born!"

"oh! oh! Canada!!! Canada!!!"

and we still ended up a Rich Stdm in time for CSNY opening for the Dead...stupid and funny as feck!...

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I doubt this is the "stupidest" thing I ever did, but it sure was stupid.

When I was about nineteen I, practically a non-drinker, purchased a bottle of 151 proof Jamaican rum on my way to visit my grandparents in Florida. I was with a friend who thought it was a good idea.

That night, in Florida, we drank about a quarter of that 40 oz-er out by the shuffleboard courts. I believe we then went for a late-night tennis match.

That's the last I remember, but I do know I was brought back to my grandparents' condo around dawn by the local police; soaking wet.

Good times.

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I doubt this is the "stupidest" thing I ever did, but it sure was stupid.

I'm still waiting to remember a story that's worth telling but not indefinitely incriminating.

You've reminded me of the time I went to Europe with a friend when I was 20 and downed a bottle of cooking sherry - because booze is booze, right, and this was welcomingly cheap! - on the ferry back to England.

Oh God. That was really, really bad. The combination of the barely potable but still potent hootch, the waves, the train, and the spaghetti supper at our hosts' place... um, I'll stop this narrative right about there.

There are other stories too, now that I think of it, but those are largely variations on a theme.

Thank the heavens above there was a larger pharmacopeia waiting to be discovered.

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Ok since no one is kicking in the real good dirt i'll offer up a gem:

When I was 16, at a field party in Port Elgin(think it was called Potato Fest or some other Bruce County vegetable party...) I managed to eat the corn out of someone's puke...I think on a dare. Don't think I even collected the cash.

Sad thing is that isn't the stupidest...just up there.

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When I was about sixteen I ate a mixture of speed and ritalin totalling fourteen pills and went rollerblading downtown until six in the morning. Then the cops picked me up. When they asked my name I gave them the name of a girl who was being a bitch to my sister. I couldn't give them her address or birthday so they took me to the station and put me in an interview room for what seemed like hours. I was so fucked up and scared I bit my nails until my fingertips bled. Then my mom came to pick me up. My brother came too because he wanted a tour of the police station. So after being shut in an interview room for a couple hours nearly pissing myself with fear and nerves I had to follow a cop and my brother around the station for an hour still totally sketched out on uppers.


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Nice one! Aren't the teen years grand? "Best Years of Your Life," I think that motivational video we saw in high school was called.

We should start a betting pool for how long it takes for this thread to get a lock on it :). I'm just glad I've stopped drinking, or I'd have come out with a real doozy or two by now (which would, curiously enough, then be established as the stupidest thing I'd ever done).

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Just thought of another one, now far enough in the past that I can say I'm probably wiser today.

We were in the Sinai (in Dahab, iirc, before it got all built up) and knew that weed was cheaper and easier to come by than drink. So one afternoon, a little Bedouin kid comes along asking if we'd like some. Sure, I say; so come along, he says. So I follow him a half mile along the way, to one of the more remote cinderblock guesthouses in the strip. He shows me into one of the rooms, and then promptly leaves. And then I hear the bolt being drawn on the outside of the door. Click.

The next fifteen minutes were really anxious ones. I'd read about Egyptian jails, and they might be the more pleasant of the possibilities of what could be in store. I'm also wondering about what could be happening back at our own guesthouse.

Then finally, someone comes along, opens the door, and sells me a great big bag at firesale prices, asking if I knew anyone else who was interested. No, I said, rather abruptly, and scurried back to our room.

Guess he really didn't want to lose a customer.

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Good one Doc, reminds me of my trip to Cuba.

Friendly and I were walking around Havana and this teenager ask us if we smoke weed and then ask us if we want some. Of course we did, so boom, he hails a cab and we pile in.

We drive down to the heart of old Havana and the start walking around with this kid. He meets up with a couple of guys and then one of them leaves claiming he'll be right back. He comes back and we head down a little side street.

He leads us into this dark narrow ally. The end of the ally opens up into a court yard, where a bunch of guys are hanging around. A couple of them come out to meet us. Our friend starts talking to him in spanish and then one of them leaves on a bike.

So now they start talking about price. No one speaks much english and we don't speak very good spanish, but through a variety of hand signals, they tell me it's $60 a gram. So we start arguing about the price. They tell me it's really good and I say I'm from Canada, where the best weed only cost $5-10 a gram.

So the guy on the bike comes back and then gets very upset when he hears we don't want to pay $60 a gram. Things start getting heated up.

Now remember, all of this is happening down a small dark ally in the heart of old Havana. Some of the guys start yelling, getting very upset.

I'm starting to calculate the oods of me and friendly be able to handle the group of guys that are now very upset. Our little friend starts talking to the guy on the bike and finally, with hand signals, says we can have the 2 grams for $20 bucks a piece. At this point I just want to get out of there without incident, so I agree.

We do the deed and hightail it out of there. I didn't even check out the 2 little bundles they gave me. Just as we clear the ally we almost bump into 2 army policemen who were walking by the ally. luckily, they didn't pay us much attention.

I was too sketched out to pull out my score anywhere in public, so we make our way back to the hotel. On the ride back, I'm complaining about having to pay $40 for 2 very small looking grams. Feeling like a custie who got set up.

So in the elevator up to the room, I pull out the little baggies. They are taped up so you can't see what's inside, so I feel them and notice that they feel kind of weird. I'm starting to think that they must be filled with ground up shake, or even worse nothing.

Into them room we go, really starting to bitch about getting burned. So I proceed to rip open my little score and much to my surprise they are filled with blow!!!!

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