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The Ultimate Ratings Game


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Post here if you want to get rated. If you haven't rated someone, do it now...in here.

Only post in this thread if you want to get rated. Don't post more than once, or it'll get deleted. (you hear that booooche? Delete any more-than-one posters)


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bouche, I rate you a 5+ cause you make the blonde princess so very happy!

But then again....it's been a while since you took me out for kitty subs.....let's make it a 4 instead!

Ah crap....posting here opens me up for scrutiny doesn't it? My poor fragile ego is now on the line. Screw you all! I don't care!

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I am rating mr. slippery a five because of his awesome Lego Avatar. Plus he's a nice guy. And his last name is Osborne which is like famous now, and his brother is nice kid who never made fun of me. Oh, and he used to be friends with my borther but now we get to make fun of my brother together because he wears a suit to work.

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Y'know how when you learn the meaning of a new word the word seems to come up again and again in the next little while?

I first found out about the ratings thing when I heard that Bones' rating had gone down, and I think he even might have thought it was me that did it. Well, it wasn't, and I hadn't ever noticed them before, but when I figured out the deal I thought the whole ratings thing was pretty stupid. Okay, fair enough on ebay or something where business transactions go down and you gotta find out a persons credit history as it were, but for a forum of people typing about music I think it's unneccesary and can only invite negative emotions. So a few days ago I checked out my profile thing-y (don't do that too often) and saw that seven people had rated me and I had a good rating. Well, a sincere thanks to those folks, very kind, but I eliminated my rating thing. I encourage others to do the same. I further encourage that if any of you would like to rate me for good or ill, please do so in person, or drop me an email. I also noticed my email thing-y was shut off in my profile, and I fixed that too. For the record, I'm at todd.snelgrove@sympatico.ca

Cool, have a great day everyone.

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I wasn't saying that we needed to get rid of the ratings necessarily just that I wanted to be a five star general with Hall of Famer status. Now I'm going to check out my profile which I've never done and see why my frequent flier miles never kicked in. ( to the tune of Zappa and the Mothers of Invention's Status Back Baby ) 'I'm losing status at the High School I used to think that it was my school'.

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