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Evolve reviews? K-OS Weak show?

The Chameleon

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Hey y'all,

Anyone heard anything about how this year's evolve went off?

I've been reading a few reviews here and there, and from what I've seen everything was killer, except K-OS (who was one of the big headliners).

I've read that many thought his live show sucked hard!

Anyone else have any info on this?

Interested to know.

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I for one loved it. I have never seen him before though, so take that with a grain of salt.....

Word around the backstage area is that K-Os got ripped on a lot of supplies before taking the stage. It may have explained alot of what happened:

-his tempo was off at times

-he sung with his back to the crowd for half of the set

-he kept screaming "I'm scared, I'm scared" into the mic

But, on the upside:

-he opened with a Stooges song

-the band tailored the sound to a 'band crowd' (the sound was definitely more edgy than the typical hip hop sounds)

-The Man I Used to Be> ?firstalbumsong> Crabbucket

totally flowed

-he came on after WCollective

I gave the set at least a 7 out of 10. The best set of the weekend would be a tie between Slowcoaster, King Sunshine and Carmen Townsend.

Evolve is a great place, full of great people and this year the organizers really stepped it up a notch. Everything was almost perfect..........


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Eeeeerr, "supplies" I'm sensing those aren't patch cords.

My brother's girfriends get calls from him all the time (k-os) and they think he's a total tool. He's definitely a major player with the ladies, but who wouldn't be, and loves his sauce. I'll have to read some more about the other acts, no one here's mentioned Gordon yet.

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K-os put on a decent show, if he's a freestyling ninth grader who's just starting out. Unfortunately, he's a professional and I, for one, was not paying to see how messed up his 40 gees could render him. I hope his tabla player is getting at least half the money, because he was more than half the show.

Why do I not doubt that for a one-off show- his only show of the summer they payed this douche 40 grand. Whatever agent wrangled that deal deserves a freaking peerage.

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I didn't hear anything about sauce.

The equation I got was:

5 Vitamin E


2 Vitamin C


One handful of vegetables of the fungus variety.


One dude in dire need of a summer tour education

Gordon was good times rock n roll. Great Cash covers; upbeat, kind of sloppy at times- overall just fun as hell. My only complaint is that Mike didn't really sing enough. He was the vocalist on a small handful of the songs, but was mostly backup on the mic. Great to see Mike rockin the banjo from 15 feet away. He was having a great time, judging by the smile on his face.

I got a few pictures of me with Gordo and got an autograph before he squirreled away to the couch at the back of the tent. Gordon Stone and Scott Murawski were very great guys, and spoke very highly of the site, organizers and the whole experience. I asked them to do a double bill tour with Creek and the Trio. We'll have to see......


ps. Yes they paid through the nose, but they didn't even get his only Canadian show of the year: After signing with Evolve, K-Os announces he will play Osheaga on Labor Day weekend non?

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I''m trying to see it from a promoter's standpoint and a fan's standpoint. This isn't me just kicking the Evolve horse when it's down, which it seems not to be, just a funny debacle.

The sense may have been for that money as ridiculous as it is it might have pulled in a lot of locals and essentially new market share as opposed to mobilizing people that were already in the loop and may or not have been coming. To the people already committed or interested I wonder how much this or that headliner plays into the decision. I somehow doubt it had the desired effect on attendance or at least commensurate with the investment but it's all speculation.

Fawk buddy must have been masheeeed. Like really mashed. And I'm sure the reference point was Miles Davis not Jim Morrison vis a vis the back to the audience.

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Hey Sean, it aint no longer 2002........so why are almost half your posts directed at slamming some band no one discusses?

What in the Christ are you talking about Boochard???

Hey Sean, I wish to hell I could have made it over....that is only the second Evolve I have missed (missed the first one) and I have been feeling the pain the past couple days. Sounds like I missed a monumental time.

Oh and BAJ, I don't think Sean likes the Cheese....that would explain his post, non?

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The Cheese were supposed to be booked for Evolve. It was a strong rumor. Im my non-mashed mind, that makes my post applicable.

Half my posts eh Booche? You are weird and mean, and I don't like you anymore.

BTW, how many years since The Grateful Dead played a good show? It ain't 1992 either.


ps. Yes the punk is correct, I do not like the Cheese, one bit.

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BTW, how many years since The Grateful Dead played a good show? It ain't 1992 either.

I dont get it but this doesnt change the fact no one on here really discusses SCI, nor cared about some stupid rumour that obviously wasnt going to come to fruition.

See that glass bowl attached to your lips? Put it down and quit trying to bait hippies. Arent you close to 30 by now?

You are weird and mean, and I don't like you anymore.

Thank you.

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The Cheese were supposed to be booked for Evolve. It was a strong rumor. Im my non-mashed mind, that makes my post applicable.

Half my posts eh Booche? You are weird and mean, and I don't like you anymore.

BTW, how many years since The Grateful Dead played a good show? It ain't 1992 either.


ps. Yes the punk is correct, I do not like the Cheese, one bit.

I can take no more! Blasfiemer! The last good Grateful dead show was actually Charlotte NC, 1995! Listen tot he Unbroken Chain and Scarlet Fire if you doubt! And like Pizza even a bad Grateful Dead show is pretty good.

Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC (Thursday, 3/23/95)

Mississippi Half Step

Wang Dang Doodle

Cold Rain and Snow

El Paso*


Easy Answers

So Many Roads

Unbroken Chain

Scarlet Begonias ->

Fire on the Mountain ->

Corrina ->

Mathilda ->

Jam ->

Drums ->

Space% ->

The Days Between% ->

Good Lovin'

E: The Weight

***Entire show with Bruce Hornsby on grand piano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***

Jam featured Bruce and drummers

* Bobby acoustic

% with Vince on grand piano/Bruce on keyboard


As for String Cheese, even a great String Cheese show, bores me to death, as it does most musicians. (only my opinion and it's no more valid than yours.)

As for K-OS he also bores the shit out of me and his flow is wack.

Someone please tell me they didn't really pay this guy $40K! You have got to be fuckin' joking!

He has a few decent tracks that are only really good due to the production and his "I'm humble concious rap shtick", is exactly that, a put on.

He is known in the music industry in Toronto as an ego maniac and nightmare to deal with. I can speak with authority on that as I know the president of his parent label, EMI Canada.

there I'm done!

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That is some messed up business. I started to post about that Dead show but gave up. Knowing Northern Wish was going to be out of his element, was there really a point?

Chameleon, you will be happy to know myself, Bouche, DaveyBoy, GB and Wackamole were at that run. By the third night, second set........the Dead were completely finished. The absolute worst Eyes Of The World ever done. Mark my words or prove me wrong. Blech. I think I saw tears on Greg Betts face, and not the good kind.

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