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Evolve reviews? K-OS Weak show?

The Chameleon

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I can take no more! Blasfiemer! The last good Grateful dead show was actually Charlotte NC, 1995! Listen tot he Unbroken Chain and Scarlet Fire if you doubt! And like Pizza even a bad Grateful Dead show is pretty good.

Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, NC (Thursday, 3/23/95)

That is officially the second and last time I took acid. It was just enough to set me free from sobriety and almost enough to make me think that I pissed my pants during the space. I actually had to feel my groin because something warm was happening and it was too weird. I didn't pee myself, so I can only guess it was the LSD playing tricks on my ;)

Anyway, that was probably one of the greatest shows I've experienced in my life. Hornsby's piano on stage was such a great thing to see while anticipating the evening. Actually, the night before wasn't too shabby. We had ninth row and I learned a few garcia licks and tunes that night.

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Actually, the night before wasn't too shabby. We had ninth row and I learned a few garcia licks and tunes that night.


I forgot you played Lazy River Road for us when we got back to the hotel. How you did that, I will never know. Kudos for brainy Bouche. Never will I get that shite.

Bouche, remember the beam that night?

Chest exploding madness. Say bye bye to your molecules?

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after seeing the cheese about 10 times i must say they don't suck. Lyrically/vocals maybe not the strongest but I think they are all serious players especially kyle the keyboard player and come up with some great jams. I have nothing but good times at cheese shows. I saw them first in montreal in 2003. not the best due to lack of crowd but all my u.s. shows have been top notch. ciao

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The Cheese rock but I'm not sure what they or GD have to do with Evolve.

I had a blast. Rather than bash anything I'll say that all the bands/dj's I saw were great. It was loads of fun. I've never seen KOS before but I thought he was pretty good and he seemed to change his songs around a little to cater to a less hip-hop crowd (i.e. it seemed much heavier and more guitar oriented than most hip-hop I've heard).

Mike Gordon was great but I ended up taking a nap for the second half of his set (I just couldn't get into the music and way too much alcohol/other...).

My only real disapointment was that I missed High Plains Drifter since I really wanted to see them. Slavetothegroove said they were really good so that's good. Would have been nice to lend some support for a skank though. My excuse: I was making soup and didn't turn on the stove properly so it took a good hour to heat up. Sorry Jay, I was without a clock and didn't know it was you guys playing or I would have just said screw the soup.

Jimmy Swift was great but we had run out of beer and that was a bit of a downer. Mellisa from Wassabi played with them which was nice. The only thing that sucked with that show was that it took forever to get started due to monitor problems.

Carmen Townsend also rocked and whenever I approached the stage some guy came up and told me how in love with her he was which was kinda cute (one guy gave her a flower which she was nice enough to put into her ear).

I don't remember too many more specifics other than I'm burnt (both skin and brain wise) but did get a good tan. The water hole there rules except that it stole my sun glasses and the giant light that was on my tent (the one for the murals behind main stage). Our tent spot was great except for the sleeping part (right behind the fan created rear entrance to the main stage with a perfect view but very, very loud all night if you want to sleep).

I'd give a better review of bands but I don't pay attention to every little tiny detail and concentrate more on just having fun and dancing to the music.

Here's another disapointment. We put a giant red/pink balloon on the top of our tent only to find that it got stolen (I don't remember exactly when). Well, looking at the jamhub pics, hmmmm, I think the culprit has been found...:


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K-OS stunk. I've seen about 30 shows of his... all awesome... and this one actually made me feel uncomfortable he blew it so bad. He was wasted, didn't rehearse with his band prior to the gig (they rehearsed anyway), didn't give a shit, said "What's up Halifax?", forgot 90% of his lyrics, barely could stand, had his back to the crowd the whole time pretty much, gave the crowd the finger at one point, called for phrase changes in the middle of bars, sang OUT of key, sang two lines of his hits OUT of key in other songs, didn't care when his guitar player quit at the end of the gig....

But he did say "Smoke weeeeed!"

He was shit... and I believe he was attempting career suicide. He called me up to play a few tunes and I didn't even want to... (althouh I did) it was that embarassing. I felt soooo bad for the band watching them try to get through the set with him fucking the whole thing up....

He told me before the show he's "Bored with music and needs to do something new... like theatre"


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K-OS stunk. I've seen about 30 shows of his... all awesome... and this one actually made me feel uncomfortable he blew it so bad. He was wasted, didn't rehearse with his band prior to the gig (they rehearsed anyway), didn't give a shit, said "What's up Halifax?", forgot 90% of his lyrics, barely could stand, had his back to the crowd the whole time pretty much, gave the crowd the finger at one point, called for phrase changes in the middle of bars, sang OUT of key, sang two lines of his hits OUT of key in other songs, didn't care when his guitar player quit at the end of the gig....

But he did say "Smoke weeeeed!"

He was shit... and I believe he was attempting career suicide. He called me up to play a few tunes and I didn't even want to... (althouh I did) it was that embarassing. I felt soooo bad for the band watching them try to get through the set with him fucking the whole thing up....

He told me before the show he's "Bored with music and needs to do something new... like theatre"


Not really, totally beleivable! Sad but true, I have known many things about K-OS that have been negative, btu I can;t really say any of it as it comes from internal sources from his record label. Now that you...someone on the music side confirmas this, it seems so true.

I mean it's one thing to be bored with music and decide to do someothing else (alhtough I don't know how that is possuble given the complexity if music). But it is another to act unprofessionally and take money and cheat people out of a performance. I mena you could have split his performance fee in 4 and gotten four other amazing band that would have taken the gig seriously and kicked ass for Evovle.

K-OS is certainly shooting himself in the foot. SO much for the humble hip-hop thing. I guess he's just another materialistic rapper without vision or real artistic merrit.

Shame.. well not really, perhaps it's musical natural selection.

Good riddance.

Thanks for the inside info.

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Yeah there's a few rotten things going on out east lately. Paying that douche that much money if that's the right number was just not a good decision. Period. I know I'm accused of kicking the horse but there is something to be said for an objectively bad deal. The agent must have been sitting there (think about the commission!) smacking his lips thinking 'who are these hippy twats' and 'money's money'- or is it.

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