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RC: moe.down.

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so i'm all set...solid crew.

This is my 5th moe.down, and it is the greatest way to top off a summer...

any first timers?? here's some tips:

1) i love you.

2) you had me at hello.

3) make sure you catch toubab krewe.

4) Al side is incredible.

5) take the ski lift...great view.

6) if you see an argentina flag, i'm probably not far off....say hello... and offer me a beer.

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hey jay, can't wait to see you and davey...

u guys are swell.

however, the one i really miss, shant be there.

One day I will hitch hike to PEI.

is your main squeeze going to be there? is it Kayla? or Kyla? i'm close right...plz don't tell her i forgot...its a hard name to remember damn it.

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it's sounds like Bull smoke, but it's fast becoming a reality...

I hope this works out...it'd be a real shame if I didn't get to yell my affinity for all things Brasky and mislead some innocent americans as to the way and quality of life here in the Great White North in regards to the animals I use to do my bidding.

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well it took 5 years but Brad finally planned ahead. Who ya travelling with?

jonyak. (And, for the record, I have planned ahead in some of the previous years, but you don't hear about them because I don't end up on jambands.ca desparately begging for a ride. :))



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