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Avatar me


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Is my computer just weird or do I not have an avatar anymore? Or perhaps both. Well, as many of you know I'm way too much of an idiot to get this stuff going on, so if I don't have one and somebody wants to find me an appropriate one, then you have my permission make it so.

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I found a graphic I was working a while back for Tummies at the Dekcuf. However, I didn't finisth, but it was based on a picture from the first Pottie Party. I resized it for 'avatar' purposes.

I was probably a little high at the time which explains the grafitti on the wall.


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Originally posted by Velvet:

By the way, how did you morph me into playing an electric guitar? Maybe I was just teching for Dave?

You may not remember it (but I do, because I'd never seen it before), but you actually were playing electric guitar at the first Pottie Party (and you played it pretty well, too).



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