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The brilliance of "The West Wing"


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I know at least AD and Stoned Phillips will appreciate this.

It amazes me that I can watch episodes of The West Wing (minus the last season and a half) over and over again, enjoying them each and every time. Aaron Sorkin and Tommy Schlamme are pure genius, and the cast they assembled was incredible.

I remember first thinking that there was no way I would be interested in a show about American Politics, but in hindsight, that is like not watching M*A*S*H because War is topic that doesn't appeal to you.

The stories are filled with hilarity, anguish, nail-biting drama and more. If you have not had the pleasure of watching this show I highly suggest renting (or better yet buying) the DVDs. You will NOT be disappointed.

The West Wing also airs at 7pm and midnight Sundays through Wednesdays on CLT.

I for one cannot wait for "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip", debuting in September. Once again Aaron Sorkin and Tommy Schlamme have teamed up, and the cast looks great (D. L. Hughley, Matthew Perry, Steven Weber, Bradley Whitford...).

Had to share. Saw another great episode for the umpteenth time last night, and loved it almost as much as I did the first time I saw it.


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I caught the re-run of the first episode that was shown just before the last episode, and I loved how Martin Sheen's character, arguably the most important character in the show, wasn't actually in the first 15 or 20 minutes of it. Then, during a discussion/argument about the 10 commendments, with one character demanding of another, "What's the first commandment?!?", the doors open, and Martin Sheen walks in, proclaiming, "'I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.'" It was a brilliant way to introduce the character and his place in the show.



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So glad to hear there is some love out there for what is, in my opinion, the smartest, funniest, most moving television show of our generation. At the moment I'm going through all the seasons again for the second time and I still find that i can sit down and watch 2-3 episodes in a row and still want more.

Sorkin is a genius, no one in movies or TV writes like that, so fast and powerful. It was sad to watch it die this year, but it was time....Bring on "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip"

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I was a major league fan but then stopped watching over the last year or so as I stopped watching TV altogether. Really West Wing was one of the only things I missed along with like 60 Minutes, Law and Order and Curb Your Enthusiasm. I figured nowadays you can always catch up on DVD. And it's sort of cooler to just rip through a run of episodes. I would like to see the second season of Lost though and the last season of the West Wing. No spoilers.

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You people have excellent taste. I love this show so much and I'm glad to hear it holds up in re-runs. I think I'm going to start grabbing old seasons soon.

I even use it in the classroom. Issac and Ishmael is good and there's supreme court/lobbying one that involves Josh running around like a maniac that is great for explaining that nutty world.

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I remember first thinking that there was no way I would be interested in a show about American Politics, but in hindsight, that is like not watching M*A*S*H because War is topic that doesn't appeal to you.

I thought the same thing about Sex and the City - but loved it right away. Now that we've piled through the entire 6 seasons in under 2 mths, maybe I'll look into the West Wing!

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The writing genius of Sorkin is...

-effortless to watch but incredibly engaging


-extremely funny

-an education if you are interested.

He has often said that when he runs into a block he consults Aristotle's Poetics and the solution is always there. I truly believe (as an aspiring writer) that the rules of storytelling were discovered by Aristotle 2500 years ago---and they haven't changed since. Humans is humans is humans...

Sorkin knows this...

I wish more of today's writers did.


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The writing genius of Sorkin is...


I think it's not just that he creates intelligent dialogue and plot: it's that he created a set of characters, each of whom is intelligent. A lot of television (especially sitcoms) features characters who are dumb, and we're supposed to laugh at how stupidly they talk and behave. On The West Wing, a stupid character simply wouldn't work, as nobody would believe such a character could rise to an important position on either side of the political divide. Instead, the characters think, they reason, they figure out and create solutions (often not perfect, but the best that can be had under the circumstances) to the problems they face. On television, it's refreshing to see that.



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It's so witty and so smart and the characters are all incredibly engaging.

It's not just the characters and the situations in which they find themselves that are interesting, the situations themselves are also intriguing. Some shows focus on the characters--the circumstances in which they find themselves are secondary to their relationships and interactions with one another etc. Some shows focus on the stories (i.e. Law & Order) and the characters themselves are somewhat peripheral. In this show, it's all fantastic--nothing is given short shrift.

The last season was shit. But all the previous seasons are stellar. In terms of quality, it's certainly one of the best non-HBO/Showtime dramas that was ever on TV.

Actually, as much as it was a drama, there was a lot of comedy in it, too. And the actors are all superb.

Rent or buy the DVDs. Awesome.

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Sorry, I'm going to have to step in here for a well-placed Bash-mock.

This actually happened a few days ago...

Sitting at my house, remote in my hand, watching an episode of Sex & the City for the umpteenth time, I decided to see what else was on...

Basher: Hey! Go back! I haven't seen that one!

Basher's just as much a girl as the next Sex & the City loving guy, so don't take any crap from him...

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