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Iran Displays Holocaust Cartoons

afro poppa

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Of course this is perverse and holocaust denial is scary scary business but there is something half coherent in this point:

"You see they allow the Prophet to be insulted. But when we talk about the Holocaust, they consider it so holy that they punish people for questioning it."

Although there is something more coherent in this point:

"Iran, a nation that aspires to nuclear capabilities, and whose president has made genocidal statements against Israel, is a flashing red light signalling danger not only to Israel, but to all enlightened nations".

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is it wrong to say that at least this time they're acknowledging it? :crazy:

i tend not to agree with most things on all sides - seems to me to be just a big ball of double standards.

so any bets on when the u.s. moves to fuck-up iran? they've got 'em surrounded quite nicely now.

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While I don't agree with the cartoons Iran is displaying I think the wrong move would be to attack them violently or kill people over it. It just won't solve anything and I think that that is what Iran wants anyway, just to prove that they were right.

Two wrongs never make a right.

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umm - dont misunderstand me - im not insinuating that the reaction to this specifically would amount to an attack - but the writing's been on the wall for a looooooooooong time and they've been strategically moving their chess pieces. take a look at a map of the area and reference that to US military bases in the area - it's not like they decided this yesterday.

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I just remember that there is quite a bias here in these articles. Yes, Iran's government is fucked up, but the country is not fully representative of the gov't. Is all of America gon-toting, wife-beating rednecks who constantly misunderestimate themselves?

Even though, I think Iran is just pushing buttons to push buttons. They remind me of the kid in the sandbox with the biggest firetruck, egging on all the other kids without realizing that there is another kid in the sandbox across the playground with an even bigger firetruck.

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Whether this is instigation or not, their point in publishing these cartoons is completely illogical.

Their "prophet" is a religious character. This is closer to myth than reality; to say the least. Of course, they believe it's true, but it's just from a religious text, not unlike the Jewish Torah, and no one believes that every word in the Torah is literal (except for a very tiny minority of fundamentalists who are such a tiny minority they're hardly worth mentioning).

The Holocaust, on the other hand, was a documented historical event, in which untold numbers of people were killed and humiliated; including but not limited to 6 million Jews.

It is not as though they published a cartoon insulting the Jewish God. Rather, they poked fun at mass murder. They need to get this specious argument straight, or just shut up.

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really though - it is an issue of freedom of speech in its purest form.

how can you legislate the gray shades between the black and white???

freedom of religious belief, including all things associated with that is definitely in check.

how are we going to deal with this?

nuke em for saying things?

the more moral guidelines we have the more ways people will try to find to use them for their own means and not the good of the world.

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